The South English Legendary | ||
De sancto Iohanne ewangelista
Sein Ion þewaungelist þat apostel also is
Was oure Louerd is aunte sone & sein Iames broþer iwis
Is moder was oure Leuedi soster Marie Salome
And iwedded to is fader þat het Zebede
Zebede hadde twey sones by Marie is wyf
Sein Ion and sein Iame þat ladde wel holy lif
Sein Ion was ȝongore þanne oure Louerd twelf monþe oþer þer aboute
For is kunne he was þe betere man þerof nis no doute
And naþeles he was as ich wene þritti ȝer old ney
Ar he weste of oure Louerd oȝt muche oþer muche of him isey
Was oure Louerd is aunte sone & sein Iames broþer iwis
Is moder was oure Leuedi soster Marie Salome
And iwedded to is fader þat het Zebede
Zebede hadde twey sones by Marie is wyf
Sein Ion and sein Iame þat ladde wel holy lif
Sein Ion was ȝongore þanne oure Louerd twelf monþe oþer þer aboute
For is kunne he was þe betere man þerof nis no doute
And naþeles he was as ich wene þritti ȝer old ney
Ar he weste of oure Louerd oȝt muche oþer muche of him isey
For oure Louerd nas bote lite iknowe he ne cudde him noȝt
Ar he ibaptized were and to Cristendom ibroȝt
And ȝute nekudde he him noȝt abrod er þat sein Ion were
Islawe for loue of Holy Churche þat he gan Herodes lere
Ac þo he imartred was oure Louerd ne sparede noȝt
Ac ȝeode & prechede aboute forte he was to deþe ibroȝt
To is deciples ferst he ches tweie breþeren þo
Seinte Peter & seint Andreu as he gan bi þe se go
And þer he sey tweie breþeren sein Iame & sein Ion
Wiþ þe oldeman Zebede hare fader avisseþ gon
Ham he clupede also to him & hy bileuede anon
Hare uader & siwede him & chose wel þe betere won
Ar he ibaptized were and to Cristendom ibroȝt
And ȝute nekudde he him noȝt abrod er þat sein Ion were
Islawe for loue of Holy Churche þat he gan Herodes lere
Ac þo he imartred was oure Louerd ne sparede noȝt
Ac ȝeode & prechede aboute forte he was to deþe ibroȝt
To is deciples ferst he ches tweie breþeren þo
Seinte Peter & seint Andreu as he gan bi þe se go
And þer he sey tweie breþeren sein Iame & sein Ion
Wiþ þe oldeman Zebede hare fader avisseþ gon
Ham he clupede also to him & hy bileuede anon
Hare uader & siwede him & chose wel þe betere won
Sein Ion was best mid oure Louerd of þe deciples echon
Þat was isene þo he lenede and slep up his brestbon
For þe wile he made is cene as a Ssereþoresday
Sein Ion lenede op is brest & wel softe aslepe lay
Amorwe as a Godefriday he deide uppon þe rode
His swete moder & sein Ion faste bi him stode
Þere in sein Iones warde is swete moder he tok
Tou wardi as is owe moder as we findeþ in bok
Hure wardein he was after ek þat he to heuene wende
Euere þe wile heo was an eorþe forte he after hure sende
Riȝt it was to wardi hure wanne heo is aunte was
And for þer nas noþer of ham þat clene maide nas
Þat was isene þo he lenede and slep up his brestbon
For þe wile he made is cene as a Ssereþoresday
Sein Ion lenede op is brest & wel softe aslepe lay
Amorwe as a Godefriday he deide uppon þe rode
His swete moder & sein Ion faste bi him stode
Tou wardi as is owe moder as we findeþ in bok
Hure wardein he was after ek þat he to heuene wende
Euere þe wile heo was an eorþe forte he after hure sende
Riȝt it was to wardi hure wanne heo is aunte was
And for þer nas noþer of ham þat clene maide nas
Clene maide to wardi oþer riȝt it was to do
Þeruore inis swete warde oure Louerd hure tok two
After þat oure Louerd was to þe ioie of heuene iwend
And a Witesoneday to is deciples þe Holy Gost hadde isend
Hi wende forþ wel baldeliche euerich inis side
Al aboute in diuerse londe and prechede wel wide
Into þe lond of Assie sein Ion þewaungelist
Wende to wissi þulke side and prechede of Iesu Crist
To þe cite of Ephese attelaste he com
Þer he hadde him sulf hous & hom prechede of Cristendom
Þeruore inis swete warde oure Louerd hure tok two
After þat oure Louerd was to þe ioie of heuene iwend
And a Witesoneday to is deciples þe Holy Gost hadde isend
Hi wende forþ wel baldeliche euerich inis side
Al aboute in diuerse londe and prechede wel wide
Into þe lond of Assie sein Ion þewaungelist
Wende to wissi þulke side and prechede of Iesu Crist
To þe cite of Ephese attelaste he com
Þer he hadde him sulf hous & hom prechede of Cristendom
Þe emperor Domician þat luþer was inou
Alle Cristene men þat he uond he tormentede oþer slou
Alle Cristene men þat he uond he tormentede oþer slou
So þat sein Ion was icome þat longe was isoȝt
Biuore þe emperors Iustice to Rome he was ibroȝt
Þe Iustice him het anon fram God turne is þoȝt
Certes quaþ þis holyman þerto ne bringest it noȝt
For ichelle do more after God þanne after þe iwis
Wel wroþ was þe Iustice þo he hurde þis
Eoly he nam a tonne uol & let it boily faste
And amidde þe seoþinge eoly þe holyman me caste
Biuore þe emperors Iustice to Rome he was ibroȝt
Þe Iustice him het anon fram God turne is þoȝt
Certes quaþ þis holyman þerto ne bringest it noȝt
For ichelle do more after God þanne after þe iwis
Wel wroþ was þe Iustice þo he hurde þis
Eoly he nam a tonne uol & let it boily faste
And amidde þe seoþinge eoly þe holyman me caste
Sein Ion þerinne sat so longe so it was
He ne changede noȝt enes is hiu neþeworse him nas
Ac al hol wiþ oute harm of þis eoly he aros
Þe Iustice þat þeron him broȝte wel sore þerof agros
Þis was in Rome biuore a ȝat þat þis dede was ido
Þe Porte Latyn me clupede and ȝute me clupeþ it also
A sein Iones dai it was þat is þe sixte day of May
For þulke miracle me halt ȝut into al þat lond is day
And for þat ȝet het Porte Latyn þat þe dede was ido
Ȝute me writ þulke day of Porte Latin also
He ne changede noȝt enes is hiu neþeworse him nas
Ac al hol wiþ oute harm of þis eoly he aros
Þe Iustice þat þeron him broȝte wel sore þerof agros
Þis was in Rome biuore a ȝat þat þis dede was ido
Þe Porte Latyn me clupede and ȝute me clupeþ it also
A sein Iones dai it was þat is þe sixte day of May
For þulke miracle me halt ȝut into al þat lond is day
Ȝute me writ þulke day of Porte Latin also
Domician þe emperor þo he sei þis cas
Þat sein Ion nas noþewors þat he in eoly was
Sori he was & wroþ inou & naþeles he ne dorste noȝt
For Cristenemen þat he were þoru him to deþe ibroȝt
He het him vleo out of þe londe þat he ne come namore þere
Iharled he was out of Rome as he a strong þeof were
And youtlawed as a þeof þat in þe contreie ne come
Into þe ile of Pathmos he wende out of Rome
And wonede þer in penance twelf monþe ney
Of oure Louerdes priuetes muche þere he sey
For of þe priuetes of heuene oure Louerd him sse[u]de þere
War of he made þer anne bok as Holy Churche to lere
Þat me clupeþ þe Apocalips þat me ret in churche aday
Muche of Godes priuetes þat he þer isay
Þat sein Ion nas noþewors þat he in eoly was
Sori he was & wroþ inou & naþeles he ne dorste noȝt
For Cristenemen þat he were þoru him to deþe ibroȝt
He het him vleo out of þe londe þat he ne come namore þere
Iharled he was out of Rome as he a strong þeof were
And youtlawed as a þeof þat in þe contreie ne come
Into þe ile of Pathmos he wende out of Rome
And wonede þer in penance twelf monþe ney
Of oure Louerdes priuetes muche þere he sey
For of þe priuetes of heuene oure Louerd him sse[u]de þere
War of he made þer anne bok as Holy Churche to lere
Þat me clupeþ þe Apocalips þat me ret in churche aday
Muche of Godes priuetes þat he þer isay
Þe ferste ȝer þat sein Ion þus ioutlawed was
Of þe emperor þat him drof awei þer fel a wonder cas
For þe cenatour him slou þat was þo of Rome
In contek þat ham was bitwene for hi contekede ilome
Sein Iones pais was sone ycried and alle oþeres also
Þat hadde þoru þe emperor in issil be[o] ido
Sein Ion him wende aȝenward þo mildeliche inou
Touward þe cite of Efese to is owene hous he drou
For he hadde þer hous & hom & kyn & frendes inowe
Men & wymmen of þe toun wel þicke aȝen him drawe
For [to] welcomye him mid grete ioie to toune hi him broȝte
Wiþ swuþe noble procession as hi fol wel oȝte
Of þe emperor þat him drof awei þer fel a wonder cas
For þe cenatour him slou þat was þo of Rome
In contek þat ham was bitwene for hi contekede ilome
Sein Iones pais was sone ycried and alle oþeres also
Þat hadde þoru þe emperor in issil be[o] ido
Sein Ion him wende aȝenward þo mildeliche inou
Touward þe cite of Efese to is owene hous he drou
For he hadde þer hous & hom & kyn & frendes inowe
Men & wymmen of þe toun wel þicke aȝen him drawe
For [to] welcomye him mid grete ioie to toune hi him broȝte
Wiþ swuþe noble procession as hi fol wel oȝte
As hi wende þus þoru þe toun mid þus gret ioie þere
Men & wymmen aȝen ham come mid wel dreori chere
For Drusiane a ded womman toward eorþe hi bere
Þer was for hure deol inou and sori alle hi were
Gret loue þer hadde er ibe[o] bitwene hure & sein Ion
So sone as þat folk him isey aȝen him hi come anon
And cride on him faste inou sire hi seide þin ore
Lo Drusiane þi gode frend þat was under þi lore
Men & wymmen aȝen ham come mid wel dreori chere
For Drusiane a ded womman toward eorþe hi bere
Þer was for hure deol inou and sori alle hi were
Gret loue þer hadde er ibe[o] bitwene hure & sein Ion
And cride on him faste inou sire hi seide þin ore
Lo Drusiane þi gode frend þat was under þi lore
Þo[u] wost wel he[o] þe louede muche & nou ne may heo namore
In þis bere heo liþ her ded heo makeþ us karie sore
Heo ne wilnede noþing þe wile þat heo sik lay
Bote þat heo moste þe iseo er hure ende day
And nou it is þus as God wole & þou suxt heo nemay
Þench hou he[o] þe haþ iloued suþþe he[o] þe uerst isay
And ȝif [þou] us wost þe grace do & aȝen to lyue hure bringe
Euere we ssolde herie þe and þe king of alle kynge
In þis bere heo liþ her ded heo makeþ us karie sore
Heo ne wilnede noþing þe wile þat heo sik lay
Bote þat heo moste þe iseo er hure ende day
And nou it is þus as God wole & þou suxt heo nemay
Þench hou he[o] þe haþ iloued suþþe he[o] þe uerst isay
And ȝif [þou] us wost þe grace do & aȝen to lyue hure bringe
Euere we ssolde herie þe and þe king of alle kynge
Sein Ion gan to sike sore in þoȝte as he were
He bad ham abide anne stonde & sette adoun þe bere
Softe he sat adoun akne[o] and cride on oure Louerd þere
Þis womman þat him louede so ȝif it were is wille arere
He bad ham abide anne stonde & sette adoun þe bere
Softe he sat adoun akne[o] and cride on oure Louerd þere
Þis womman þat him louede so ȝif it were is wille arere
Þo is orison was ido þoru oure Louerdes grace
Þis womman aros up hol and sound anon in þe place
And herede uaste Iesu Crist and þe holyman sein Ion
Þere was prece of alle men þat miȝte þuder gon
Sein Ion hure bad go hom anon & greiþe somwat to mete
Atom in hure owene house þat he miȝte wiþ hure ete
Þis womman aros up hol and sound anon in þe place
And herede uaste Iesu Crist and þe holyman sein Ion
Þere was prece of alle men þat miȝte þuder gon
Sein Ion hure bad go hom anon & greiþe somwat to mete
Atom in hure owene house þat he miȝte wiþ hure ete
Þis Drusiane wende forþ and greiþede mete inou
And made sein Ion fair semlant elles it were wou
And made sein Ion fair semlant elles it were wou
In þe cite of Efese sein Ion bileuede longe
And prechede þat folk of God Cristendom to auonge
And ordeinede eke prestes & churchen let arere
Bissops he made þe heioste men þat folk forto lere
Þe godemen þat were vnder him bissops & oþere also
Fondede boþe niȝt & day after is wissinge do
Hi cride on him faste inou alle of þe cite
For he vnderȝet so muche of oure Louerdes priuete
Þe wile he was wiþ him an eorþe & next him was also
Þat he ssolde of is holy liue in som boc do
And al of is cunde wat he was & þat folk aboute lere
Þat hy miȝte al þe bet iwite wat oure Louerd were
And prechede þat folk of God Cristendom to auonge
And ordeinede eke prestes & churchen let arere
Bissops he made þe heioste men þat folk forto lere
Þe godemen þat were vnder him bissops & oþere also
Fondede boþe niȝt & day after is wissinge do
Hi cride on him faste inou alle of þe cite
For he vnderȝet so muche of oure Louerdes priuete
Þe wile he was wiþ him an eorþe & next him was also
Þat he ssolde of is holy liue in som boc do
And al of is cunde wat he was & þat folk aboute lere
Þat hy miȝte al þe bet iwite wat oure Louerd were
Sein Ion bisoȝte þat folk þo for him þat hi bede
In fastinge & in orisons to do such holy dede
And wende into a deorne stude & bad oure Louerd faste
Þe wit of þe Holy Gost inis heorte þat he caste
Þe holy gospel of him to make Holy Churche to lere
Warþoru euerich Cristenman þe bet biluued were
He bad also þat þer ne ssolde þoru oure Louerdes grace
Wind ne rein ne oþer weder come in þulke place
To lette him of is holy dede þe wile he þere aboute were
Oure Louerd hurde is bone wel ne reinde it neuere eft þere
Ne no wind com ȝute to þis daie as þis holiman it bad
Ne no tempest in þulke stude þat þis bok ymad
In fastinge & in orisons to do such holy dede
And wende into a deorne stude & bad oure Louerd faste
Þe wit of þe Holy Gost inis heorte þat he caste
Þe holy gospel of him to make Holy Churche to lere
Warþoru euerich Cristenman þe bet biluued were
He bad also þat þer ne ssolde þoru oure Louerdes grace
Wind ne rein ne oþer weder come in þulke place
To lette him of is holy dede þe wile he þere aboute were
Oure Louerd hurde is bone wel ne reinde it neuere eft þere
Ne no wind com ȝute to þis daie as þis holiman it bad
Ne no tempest in þulke stude þat þis bok ymad
Holy is þe holy boc wanne so holy is þe stude
Þat þer nemay no tempest come as þis holiman it hadde ibede
Anon þo sein Ion bigan to do þis holy dede
Of þe Holy Gost he was itend þat al þat he sede
He sek of oure Louerdes brest as he þerto lay
Þe wile he made is swete cene a Ssereþoresday
Þer he sek out þat holy wiȝt of þe holy gospelle
Þat he made suþþe in Ephese amang Cristene men to telle
Þat þer nemay no tempest come as þis holiman it hadde ibede
Anon þo sein Ion bigan to do þis holy dede
Of þe Holy Gost he was itend þat al þat he sede
He sek of oure Louerdes brest as he þerto lay
Þe wile he made is swete cene a Ssereþoresday
Þer he sek out þat holy wiȝt of þe holy gospelle
Þat he made suþþe in Ephese amang Cristene men to telle
He was þe ueorste ewaungelist and herre nas þer non
And is gospel he made last of ham euerichon
For sein Mattheu & sein Mark & sein Luc iwis
[Hor gospelles hadde long ymad er he bigonne his
Ac sein Ion bigan his hext for þeron he bigan
Of our Lord al what he was er þan he were man
He bigan so heie his gospel of our Lordes kende ywis]
Þat vnneþe eny eorþlich man entendiþ wat it is
For he soȝte out so deope is cunde & of him bigan so heie
In forme of ern he is iwrite as we seoþ alday wiþ eiȝe
For ern is such best of alle foules & heiost he mai fle[o]
For wanne he is in þe lift so heie þat herre nemay non be[o]
Ȝute he may here in þe gronde a lite worm ise[o]
& atte se gronde a smal viss to cheose woder te[o]
He may also heie vleo and þe firmament so ney
Þat he for swelþ is feþeren wanne he is so hey
And is gospel he made last of ham euerichon
For sein Mattheu & sein Mark & sein Luc iwis
[Hor gospelles hadde long ymad er he bigonne his
Ac sein Ion bigan his hext for þeron he bigan
Of our Lord al what he was er þan he were man
He bigan so heie his gospel of our Lordes kende ywis]
Þat vnneþe eny eorþlich man entendiþ wat it is
For he soȝte out so deope is cunde & of him bigan so heie
In forme of ern he is iwrite as we seoþ alday wiþ eiȝe
For ern is such best of alle foules & heiost he mai fle[o]
Ȝute he may here in þe gronde a lite worm ise[o]
& atte se gronde a smal viss to cheose woder te[o]
He may also heie vleo and þe firmament so ney
Þat he for swelþ is feþeren wanne he is so hey
Sein Ion þat in forme of ern is gospel wel heie bigan
Þer inne he tolde oure Louerdes lif þe wile he was an eorþe man
Þe gospel is wel iholde as wel riȝt it is
For muche del of Holy Churche þer þoru iloked is
Þer inne he tolde oure Louerdes lif þe wile he was an eorþe man
Þe gospel is wel iholde as wel riȝt it is
For muche del of Holy Churche þer þoru iloked is
Sein Ion cudde is gospel sone & prechede faste also
Ȝute þere were luþermen þat hadde envie þerto
O tyme manye luþermen to gadere hare red nome
And to sein Ion þewaungelist to grete wraþþe come
And het him wende swuþe uorþ to hare maumes anon
And forþ wiþ ham onury oþer it ssolde anoþer gon
Ȝute þere were luþermen þat hadde envie þerto
O tyme manye luþermen to gadere hare red nome
And to sein Ion þewaungelist to grete wraþþe come
And het him wende swuþe uorþ to hare maumes anon
And forþ wiþ ham onury oþer it ssolde anoþer gon
Beu freres quaþ þis holyman ichelle ȝou segge o soþ
Ich habbe of ȝou reuþe gret þat ȝe nuteþ wat ȝe doþ
Ichelle do hom chois of two þinges þer of cheose ȝe
Þat ich go wiþ ȝou to ȝoure temple oþer ȝe to churche mid me
Wanne ȝe to churche comeþ ȝif ȝe þoru godes lawe
Mowe make þe churche ualle ichelle biluue on him vawe
And ȝif ich may so ȝoure temple biuore ȝoure owe siȝte
Ich rede biluue[þ] on Iesu Crist wanne ȝe seoþ is miȝte
Ich habbe of ȝou reuþe gret þat ȝe nuteþ wat ȝe doþ
Ichelle do hom chois of two þinges þer of cheose ȝe
Þat ich go wiþ ȝou to ȝoure temple oþer ȝe to churche mid me
Wanne ȝe to churche comeþ ȝif ȝe þoru godes lawe
Mowe make þe churche ualle ichelle biluue on him vawe
And ȝif ich may so ȝoure temple biuore ȝoure owe siȝte
Ich rede biluue[þ] on Iesu Crist wanne ȝe seoþ is miȝte
We granteþ wel queþe þis oþere þou sselt ferst bigynne
To cuþe þine Louerdes miȝte þe maistrie forto wynne
To þe falce temple hi wende ferst & þo hi were nei alle
Sein Ion ham bad stonde auer þat hy nere offalle
Þo hi were alle wiþdrawe auer sein Ion auer stod
Iseo ȝe he seide þis temple alle þat ȝe holdeþ so god
Ich hote nou in my Louerdes name þat he falle anon
Þat ȝe mowe þat soþe ise[o] biuore ȝou euerichon
To cuþe þine Louerdes miȝte þe maistrie forto wynne
To þe falce temple hi wende ferst & þo hi were nei alle
Sein Ion ham bad stonde auer þat hy nere offalle
Þo hi were alle wiþdrawe auer sein Ion auer stod
Iseo ȝe he seide þis temple alle þat ȝe holdeþ so god
Ich hote nou in my Louerdes name þat he falle anon
Þat ȝe mowe þat soþe ise[o] biuore ȝou euerichon
He nadde bote þis word ised þat it ne uel up and doun
Fram ende to oþer al þis temple mid wel grisliche soun
Þat al þe folk þat þere stod þis miracle ysey
Hy gonne to crie on Iesu Crist and on sein Ion anhei
Twelf þousond men þer turnde to Cristendom echon
Wiþoute children & wymmen þat turnde ek manyon
Fram ende to oþer al þis temple mid wel grisliche soun
Þat al þe folk þat þere stod þis miracle ysey
Hy gonne to crie on Iesu Crist and on sein Ion anhei
Twelf þousond men þer turnde to Cristendom echon
Wiþoute children & wymmen þat turnde ek manyon
Aristodimus þe bissop and maister of þe lawe
Ȝute nemiȝte noȝt sein Ion to oure Louerd is herte drawe
For þo he sey þe miracle þat þe temple fel þo þere
Ȝute nolde he noȝt iluue þat it miracle were
He nolde iluue in no manere þat oure Louerd were of miȝte
Sein Ion stod & biþoȝte longe hou he miȝte him bringe to riȝte
Ȝute nemiȝte noȝt sein Ion to oure Louerd is herte drawe
For þo he sey þe miracle þat þe temple fel þo þere
Ȝute nolde he noȝt iluue þat it miracle were
He nolde iluue in no manere þat oure Louerd were of miȝte
Sein Ion stod & biþoȝte longe hou he miȝte him bringe to riȝte
Sey me he seide wat ssel ich do þat þou þe soþe ise[o]
And bote ich it do ne luf þou noȝt þat my God almiȝti be[o]
Parfei quaþ þis luþerman ichelle nou herkeny þe
Do nou þat ich þe wolle segge & þou sselt wynne me
Venim ich habbe strong inou þat wo so þer of drinkeþ oȝt
Ne come þer so lite wiþinne him to deþe he worþ ibroȝt
Drink þerof biuore myn eiȝen & ȝif it ne greueþ þe noȝt
To Iesu Crist þat is so god ichelle turne al mi þoȝt
And bote ich it do ne luf þou noȝt þat my God almiȝti be[o]
Parfei quaþ þis luþerman ichelle nou herkeny þe
Do nou þat ich þe wolle segge & þou sselt wynne me
Venim ich habbe strong inou þat wo so þer of drinkeþ oȝt
Ne come þer so lite wiþinne him to deþe he worþ ibroȝt
Drink þerof biuore myn eiȝen & ȝif it ne greueþ þe noȝt
To Iesu Crist þat is so god ichelle turne al mi þoȝt
[Þou] seist wel nou quaþ sein Ion bring nou hider to me
Þat stronge venim & ichelle drinke it biuore þe
Þis false bissop him biþoȝte to agaste him sore þere
And for[to] se[o] al to soþe þat is godes of power were
Tweie men þer were to deþe idemd for hare luþer dede
Þe false bissop let ȝam boþe biuore sein Ion lede
And made ham drinke of þe venim riȝt biuore is eie
Anon so it oȝt wiþinne him com boþe hi gonne to deie
Þat stronge venim & ichelle drinke it biuore þe
Þis false bissop him biþoȝte to agaste him sore þere
And for[to] se[o] al to soþe þat is godes of power were
Tweie men þer were to deþe idemd for hare luþer dede
Þe false bissop let ȝam boþe biuore sein Ion lede
And made ham drinke of þe venim riȝt biuore is eie
Anon so it oȝt wiþinne him com boþe hi gonne to deie
Sein Ion suþþe þe coppe tok þo he sei al þis cas
And drank þerof a gret draȝt & noþewors him nas
Ac euere þe leng afterward þe more ioie he made & bliss
Þat folk stod in gret wonder þo hi seie al þis
Hi stode & biheld him lange þre[o] tiden & more
And euere þe leng þe gladdore hi seie him for al is sore
Hy gonne turne to Iesu Crist and cride him mercy anon
So þat to Cristendom þer turnde þo manyon
And drank þerof a gret draȝt & noþewors him nas
Þat folk stod in gret wonder þo hi seie al þis
Hi stode & biheld him lange þre[o] tiden & more
And euere þe leng þe gladdore hi seie him for al is sore
Hy gonne turne to Iesu Crist and cride him mercy anon
So þat to Cristendom þer turnde þo manyon
Ac Aristodimus þe bissop was euere in luþer þoȝte
And nolde biluue on Iesu Crist for al þat he wroȝte
And nolde biluue on Iesu Crist for al þat he wroȝte
Wat lackeþ ȝute quaþ sein Ion me þingþ it is mid wou
Þat þou ne biluuest on Iesu Crist ne sucstou noȝt ȝute inou
Bote þou most ȝute quaþ þe bissop þe dede to lyue arere
Þat to deþe mid þis venim apoisened nouþe were
Þat þou ne biluuest on Iesu Crist ne sucstou noȝt ȝute inou
Bote þou most ȝute quaþ þe bissop þe dede to lyue arere
Þat to deþe mid þis venim apoisened nouþe were
Þou seist wel nou quaþ sein Ion ac þat þou þe soþe ise[o]
Ich nel noȝt mi sulf aney ham come ac upe þe it ssel al be[o]
Mi curtel nym here to þe & leie ope ham anon
And in þe name of Iesu Crist hot arise and gon
Þe bissop nam sein Iones curtel biuore þe Iustice
And leide upe þe dede & het ham a Godes name arise
Mid þis word þe dede men arise to liue anon
And ȝeode forþ hol & sonde & þonkede sein Ion
Ich nel noȝt mi sulf aney ham come ac upe þe it ssel al be[o]
Mi curtel nym here to þe & leie ope ham anon
And in þe name of Iesu Crist hot arise and gon
Þe bissop nam sein Iones curtel biuore þe Iustice
And leide upe þe dede & het ham a Godes name arise
Mid þis word þe dede men arise to liue anon
And ȝeode forþ hol & sonde & þonkede sein Ion
Þe bissop þo he þis isei and þe Iustice also
Cride merci Iesu Crist ȝif hi hadde misdo
And turnde þer to Cristendom & folk also inou
For þe miracle þat hi seie & elles it were wou
Þe miracle þat sein Ion dude no tonge telle nemay
Þeruore þat folk him siwede & þis miracle ysay
Cride merci Iesu Crist ȝif hi hadde misdo
And turnde þer to Cristendom & folk also inou
For þe miracle þat hi seie & elles it were wou
Þe miracle þat sein Ion dude no tonge telle nemay
Þeruore þat folk him siwede & þis miracle ysay
Tweie wilde louerdlinges þat ȝonge and stronge were
Siwede him and dude also as he ham gan lere
Ferst hi solde al ȝare god þat ham bileuede noȝt
And turnde al to Iesu Crist hare hurte & hare þoȝt
And siwede sein Ion also þat ham þerto hadde ibroȝt
And prechede of Iesu Crist þat ham hadde deore aboȝt
Siwede him and dude also as he ham gan lere
Ferst hi solde al ȝare god þat ham bileuede noȝt
And turnde al to Iesu Crist hare hurte & hare þoȝt
And siwede sein Ion also þat ham þerto hadde ibroȝt
And prechede of Iesu Crist þat ham hadde deore aboȝt
A dai as þis tweie ȝonge men riche men and heiȝe
Wiþ nobleie & prute inou bi þe weie hi seie
Þoȝte hi such nobleie we were iwoned to lede
In iolifte & prute inou and nou we beoþ in wrechede
In miseise and in pouerte & riche were byuore
Me þingþ sori mowe we beo þat we euere were ibore
Wiþ nobleie & prute inou bi þe weie hi seie
In iolifte & prute inou and nou we beoþ in wrechede
In miseise and in pouerte & riche were byuore
Me þingþ sori mowe we beo þat we euere were ibore
Sein Ion weste al hore herte þei he ne hurde hom noȝt
Ȝou foles he sede wat is ȝou wi change ȝe ȝoure þoȝt
Ȝeorden and bowes ueccheþ me and stones also
Þis ȝonge men him vette anon hit was sone ido
Ȝou foles he sede wat is ȝou wi change ȝe ȝoure þoȝt
Ȝeorden and bowes ueccheþ me and stones also
Þis ȝonge men him vette anon hit was sone ido
Sein Ion turnde þis ȝeorden in pur gold & cler
Þe stones in ȝimmes precious þoru oure Louerdes poer
And þis tweie wilde bachilers ȝaf it euerich del
Here wiþ he sede ȝe moweþ nou habbe many a god mel
A[nd] as muche lond bugge & more as ȝe ssolde byuore
For ȝe habbeþ bote ȝe þe bet do þe ioie of heuene forlore
Þe stones in ȝimmes precious þoru oure Louerdes poer
And þis tweie wilde bachilers ȝaf it euerich del
Here wiþ he sede ȝe moweþ nou habbe many a god mel
A[nd] as muche lond bugge & more as ȝe ssolde byuore
For ȝe habbeþ bote ȝe þe bet do þe ioie of heuene forlore
Þis ȝongemen nome þis tresour and glad þere wiþ were
And to many a goldsmiþ wide aboute it bere
Þis goldsmiþes swore echone þat þis gold iseie
Þat so clene gold ne pur hy ne seie neuere wiþ eiȝe
Hou miȝte fairor miracle [be] oþer fairore poer
Þanne bouwes & ȝeordes teorne in so pur gold & cler
And to many a goldsmiþ wide aboute it bere
Þis goldsmiþes swore echone þat þis gold iseie
Þat so clene gold ne pur hy ne seie neuere wiþ eiȝe
Hou miȝte fairor miracle [be] oþer fairore poer
Þanne bouwes & ȝeordes teorne in so pur gold & cler
As sein Ion þe waungelist vorþore wende þere
And boþe þis men forþ wiþ him þat so riche of golde were
A ded man toward buringe me broȝte up a bere
Þe moder cride to sein Ion þat he ssolde him arere
And boþe þis men forþ wiþ him þat so riche of golde were
A ded man toward buringe me broȝte up a bere
Þe moder cride to sein Ion þat he ssolde him arere
Louerd he[o] seide ich bidde þe þat þou habbe ruþe of me
And of mi sone þat is ded ibroȝt here aȝen þe
Haue reuþe of him ich bidde þe for Iesus wondes fiue
As þou haddest of Drusiane þo þou re[r]ddest hure to lyue
And of mi sone þat is ded ibroȝt here aȝen þe
Haue reuþe of him ich bidde þe for Iesus wondes fiue
As þou haddest of Drusiane þo þou re[r]ddest hure to lyue
Þo gan sein Ion to wepe sore and bad astunte þe bere
And bad oure Louerd for is grace þe dede body arere
Þis ȝongeman anon mid þis word to liue aros þere
Þar was ioie & blisse inou among alle þat þere were
Ich hote þe nou quaþ sein Ion þat ded hast ibe[o] þus ȝare
Þat þou somþing telle þis men þat þou seie elles ware
And namelich here þis tweie men þat beoþ nou forlore
Þat beoþ iturnd nou to þe deuel aȝen wam hi seruede biuore
And bad oure Louerd for is grace þe dede body arere
Þis ȝongeman anon mid þis word to liue aros þere
Þar was ioie & blisse inou among alle þat þere were
Ich hote þe nou quaþ sein Ion þat ded hast ibe[o] þus ȝare
Þat þou somþing telle þis men þat þou seie elles ware
And namelich here þis tweie men þat beoþ nou forlore
Þis ȝongeman þat was to liue arered biheld þis oþer tweie
Alas he seide þe wrechede þat ich isey to ȝou beie
Þulke tyme þat ȝe forsoke þis holy mannes lore
Angles þat ȝou weste er weopeþ for ȝou wel sore
And ȝute doþ as ich isei deuelen in hore ende
Made for ȝou ioie inou to wam ȝe gonne wende
Alas he seide þe wrechede þat ich isey to ȝou beie
Þulke tyme þat ȝe forsoke þis holy mannes lore
Angles þat ȝou weste er weopeþ for ȝou wel sore
And ȝute doþ as ich isei deuelen in hore ende
Made for ȝou ioie inou to wam ȝe gonne wende
Alas wrecches þe muche pine þat to ȝou is al ȝare
Þat ich isei in helle to ȝou to ȝam ȝe solleþ fare
Þo þis tweie men hurde þis hi gonne to crie anon
And wope & made deol inou and cride uppon sein Ion
Þat ich isei in helle to ȝou to ȝam ȝe solleþ fare
Þo þis tweie men hurde þis hi gonne to crie anon
And wope & made deol inou and cride uppon sein Ion
Alas ȝe foles quaþ sein Ion ȝe nute wat ȝe solleþ be[o]
Ȝif God wole habbe merci of ȝou ȝe mowe sone ise[o]
Iredi he is to sunfol men þat wolleþ to him wende
Þare fore crieþ ȝeorne on him þat he ȝou milce sende
And þat soþe ȝe moweþ iwite wanne he ȝou haþ milce isend
Wanne þis gold & þis ȝymmes to hare kunde beoþ iwend
Ȝif God wole habbe merci of ȝou ȝe mowe sone ise[o]
Iredi he is to sunfol men þat wolleþ to him wende
Þare fore crieþ ȝeorne on him þat he ȝou milce sende
And þat soþe ȝe moweþ iwite wanne he ȝou haþ milce isend
Wanne þis gold & þis ȝymmes to hare kunde beoþ iwend
Hi cride þo in Iesu Crist and in penance were
In fastinge and in orisons þritti dawes þere
Þo turnde þat gold biuore hare eiȝene into bowes of tre[o]
And þe ȝymmes into harde stones as hy hadde er ibe[o]
In fastinge and in orisons þritti dawes þere
Þo turnde þat gold biuore hare eiȝene into bowes of tre[o]
And þe ȝymmes into harde stones as hy hadde er ibe[o]
Þo þe ȝongemen þis iseie glad hi were inou
Aȝen þare as hi ham fette hi bere euerich bou
And forsoke al þe worles prute and token as þe wise
And endede attelaste hore lif in oure Louerdes seruise
Aȝen þare as hi ham fette hi bere euerich bou
And forsoke al þe worles prute and token as þe wise
And endede attelaste hore lif in oure Louerdes seruise
A tyme as þis holyman wende into þe contreie
A ȝong partrich he bar on is hond & þerwiþ he gan to pleie
A wilde louerdling þer com aȝen him in þe weie
Iwepned wel baldeliche him ne stod of noman eiȝe
Abusmare he lou sein Ion þo he sei him bere an honde
Þe ȝonge foul and pleie þer wiþ þer of he adde onde
A ȝong partrich he bar on is hond & þerwiþ he gan to pleie
A wilde louerdling þer com aȝen him in þe weie
Iwepned wel baldeliche him ne stod of noman eiȝe
Abusmare he lou sein Ion þo he sei him bere an honde
Þe ȝonge foul and pleie þer wiþ þer of he adde onde
Lo he seide þis olde coeng inis olde lyue
Such prophete as me him halt oþer men to ssriue
Wel bytrufleþ he þat folk here me may ise[o]
Hou pleieþ he wiþ þis ȝonge voul he nemiȝte noȝt wis be[o]
Wel bytrufleþ he þat folk here me may ise[o]
Hou pleieþ he wiþ þis ȝonge voul he nemiȝte noȝt wis be[o]
Leoue broþer quaþ sein Ion ich bidde tel þou me
Wat is þat þou berst an honde & war of it serueþ þe
Wat is þat þou berst an honde & war of it serueþ þe
A bowe ich bere quaþ þis oþer and arwen þerto
To sseote wiþ wilde bestes and foules also
Bend þi bowe quaþ sein Ion and loke wat he can do
Þis ȝonge man nom & bende is bowe & bar him longe so
Þer afterward he nam is bowe & vnbende him as he couþe
Wy destou so quaþ sein Ion wat ssel he vnbend nouþe
To sseote wiþ wilde bestes and foules also
Bend þi bowe quaþ sein Ion and loke wat he can do
Þis ȝonge man nom & bende is bowe & bar him longe so
Þer afterward he nam is bowe & vnbende him as he couþe
Wy destou so quaþ sein Ion wat ssel he vnbend nouþe
For he wole quaþ þis oþer þe smertore driue efsone
And ȝyue þe betere dunt wanne ich habbe [t]o done
For ȝif ich bere longe ibend þe feblore he wolde be[o]
And euerich draȝt þe worse driue and þat may echman yse[o]
And ȝyue þe betere dunt wanne ich habbe [t]o done
For ȝif ich bere longe ibend þe feblore he wolde be[o]
And euerich draȝt þe worse driue and þat may echman yse[o]
Beau douȝ frere quaþ sein Ion also it farþ iwis
By mannes heorte here an eorþe þat feble & liþi is
Ȝif he is toward Iesu Crist ibend euere mo
Febly he ssel and be[o] al sad and is strengþe al ago
And ȝif he is oþerwile vnbend and iturnd to solas
Wanne me bent him he worþ efsone strengore þanne he er was
And in gode seruise þe bet dure and be[o] þerto strong
By mannes heorte here an eorþe þat feble & liþi is
Ȝif he is toward Iesu Crist ibend euere mo
Febly he ssel and be[o] al sad and is strengþe al ago
And ȝif he is oþerwile vnbend and iturnd to solas
Wanne me bent him he worþ efsone strengore þanne he er was
And in gode seruise þe bet dure and be[o] þerto strong
Þare fore mot ech holyman solaci him among
And turne is heorte to somme trufle wanne he may eny ise[o]
Þat he mowe to Godes seruise þe strengore efsone be[o]
And turne is heorte to somme trufle wanne he may eny ise[o]
Þat he mowe to Godes seruise þe strengore efsone be[o]
Þe ern is foul of alle foules þat heiost may fle[o]
And ȝute he mot nede to reste him aȝen to gronde te[o]
Hou miȝte he euere fle[o] anhei bote he reste him atte gronde
Namore nemay mannes heorte bote he reste him som stonde
Þare fore bel amy þou miȝt þat soþe here ise[o]
Þat pleinde man þe bet may in Godes seruise be[o]
And ȝute he mot nede to reste him aȝen to gronde te[o]
Namore nemay mannes heorte bote he reste him som stonde
Þare fore bel amy þou miȝt þat soþe here ise[o]
Þat pleinde man þe bet may in Godes seruise be[o]
Sein Ion wende wide aboute and churchen he let rere
And made bissops & prestes þat folk forto lere
Ac Aristodimus þe bissop þat he turnde er to C[ri]stendom
In þe cite of Effese swuþe holyman bicom
And a churche of sein Ion in Effese he rerde blyue
And sein Ion suþþe in þulke churche wende out of þis lyue
A dai as þis holyman his seruise hadde ido
A ȝongman he sei þer biside stalworde & fair also
Ac of liȝt red he was & of þunne witte sein Ion biheld him faste
And up a bissop þare biside is eien anon he caste
And made bissops & prestes þat folk forto lere
Ac Aristodimus þe bissop þat he turnde er to C[ri]stendom
In þe cite of Effese swuþe holyman bicom
And a churche of sein Ion in Effese he rerde blyue
And sein Ion suþþe in þulke churche wende out of þis lyue
A dai as þis holyman his seruise hadde ido
A ȝongman he sei þer biside stalworde & fair also
Ac of liȝt red he was & of þunne witte sein Ion biheld him faste
And up a bissop þare biside is eien anon he caste
Ich take þe to warde þis man he seide lo
And þou him lokie & witie wel þat he noȝt ne misdo
Þat þou me answerie of is warde wanne þou me comst eft two
Witnesse ich take Iesu Crist and al Holy Churche also
And þou him lokie & witie wel þat he noȝt ne misdo
Þat þou me answerie of is warde wanne þou me comst eft two
Witnesse ich take Iesu Crist and al Holy Churche also
Sire vawe quaþ þis bissop þis ȝongeman he tok softe
Sein Ion him chargede of þis warde & munege[de] ek ofte
Þat he him wardede so wel as he answerie wolde
And bitok ham boþe Iesu Crist and wende woder he wolde
Sein Ion him chargede of þis warde & munege[de] ek ofte
Þat he him wardede so wel as he answerie wolde
And bitok ham boþe Iesu Crist and wende woder he wolde
Þis bissop nam þis holyman and ladde him to is inne
And norissyde him softe & wel sein Iones loue to wynne
And prechede him of Iesu Crist to bileue is folie
So þat þis ȝongeman to gode turnde and bigan merci to crie
And bar him uaire & louede wel God and seinte Marie
And dude al as þe bissop wolde and hard lif gan dreoye
And norissyde him softe & wel sein Iones loue to wynne
And prechede him of Iesu Crist to bileue is folie
So þat þis ȝongeman to gode turnde and bigan merci to crie
And dude al as þe bissop wolde and hard lif gan dreoye
Attelaste þis bissop gan somdel is heorte wende
As ofte verlich bigynnynge fleccheþ attenende
He soffrede þis ȝonge man pleie and to habbe is wille
And lite and lite do folie and let him al aspille
For ferst he gan to haunti wakes and þoru companie
He wax a [s]iutour of tauerne and hantede glotonie
Þo ne miȝte he be[o] wiþoute ac turnde to lecherie
And bicom holour strong and wende al to folye
So longe to holde up is folye smale þinges he nom
After þe smale he nom þe more and strong þeof bicom
So þat he hadde gret dedein smale þufþe to do
Bote it were þe grettore þing he ne turnde noȝt þerto
As ofte verlich bigynnynge fleccheþ attenende
He soffrede þis ȝonge man pleie and to habbe is wille
And lite and lite do folie and let him al aspille
For ferst he gan to haunti wakes and þoru companie
He wax a [s]iutour of tauerne and hantede glotonie
Þo ne miȝte he be[o] wiþoute ac turnde to lecherie
And bicom holour strong and wende al to folye
So longe to holde up is folye smale þinges he nom
After þe smale he nom þe more and strong þeof bicom
So þat he hadde gret dedein smale þufþe to do
Bote it were þe grettore þing he ne turnde noȝt þerto
To a companie of outlawes attelaste he com gon
Vnder non oþer he nolde be[o] ac hare maister anon
Oþere þat er maistres were bicome is men echon
He robbede ouer al to gronde and slou ek manyon
More sorwe nemiȝte be[o] þanne he dude in eche ende
For ofte vuel chastement to vuel wole wende
Vnder non oþer he nolde be[o] ac hare maister anon
Oþere þat er maistres were bicome is men echon
He robbede ouer al to gronde and slou ek manyon
More sorwe nemiȝte be[o] þanne he dude in eche ende
For ofte vuel chastement to vuel wole wende
So þat sein Ion in a tyme to þis bissop com
Wam he bitok er in warde god ȝeme aboute he nom
Sire bissop ȝeld me up he sede þat god tresour ich rede
Þat ich tok þe in warde and acountes of is dede
Wam he bitok er in warde god ȝeme aboute he nom
Sire bissop ȝeld me up he sede þat god tresour ich rede
Þat ich tok þe in warde and acountes of is dede
Þo was þe bissop sore adrad sire merci he sede
Ich ne may þe him ȝulde noȝt for he is ded ich drede
Alas quaþ sein Ion war he be[o] in wuche manere is þis
Certes sire quaþ þis oþer aȝen god ded he is
His soule is ded þei is body an eorþe aliue ȝute be[o]
For outlawe strong he is bicome as manyman may ise[o]
Ich ne may þe him ȝulde noȝt for he is ded ich drede
Alas quaþ sein Ion war he be[o] in wuche manere is þis
Certes sire quaþ þis oþer aȝen god ded he is
His soule is ded þei is body an eorþe aliue ȝute be[o]
For outlawe strong he is bicome as manyman may ise[o]
Op an hei hul he woneþ wiþ outlawes manyon
And let quelle & robby ek al þat he may ofgon
Þo bigan þis holyman to weope and sike sore
For deol is cloþes he to tar Louerd he sede þin ore
A feble tresour ich ches and þoru is feble lore
Mi deorworþe tresour ich habbe ilore i ne triste to him namore
And let quelle & robby ek al þat he may ofgon
Þo bigan þis holyman to weope and sike sore
For deol is cloþes he to tar Louerd he sede þin ore
A feble tresour ich ches and þoru is feble lore
Alas sire bissop þi feble warde i ne þonke þe noȝt þer uore
Wanne it nis non oþer ich mot seche þat þou hast ilore
Let greiþi me an hors anon and a man in a stounde
Þat me mowe þane wey teche forte ich him habbe yfonde
Wanne it nis non oþer ich mot seche þat þou hast ilore
Let greiþi me an hors anon and a man in a stounde
Þat me mowe þane wey teche forte ich him habbe yfonde
Þis holyman þat [feble] was and ouercome ney mid elde
Op a god hors arnde forþ ouer mor and felde
So þat as þis outlawes were he com attelaste
Þe ssrewen were al ȝare sone & nome him sone vaste
To robby him and to sle him ek & hete ho[ld]e him stille
O beu freres quaþ sein Ion ich mot nede do ȝoure wille
Ac ich bidde ȝou for ȝoure corteisi ȝoure maister let me se[o]
And lete him sulue wiþ me do wat is wille be[o]
Op a god hors arnde forþ ouer mor and felde
So þat as þis outlawes were he com attelaste
Þe ssrewen were al ȝare sone & nome him sone vaste
To robby him and to sle him ek & hete ho[ld]e him stille
O beu freres quaþ sein Ion ich mot nede do ȝoure wille
Ac ich bidde ȝou for ȝoure corteisi ȝoure maister let me se[o]
And lete him sulue wiþ me do wat is wille be[o]
Þe maister com iarmed wel prikie & erne uaste
Anon þo he ope þis holyman is eiȝene auer caste
And wuste wel þat he it was him gan to ssame so sore
Þat he bigan to fleo anon & ne miȝte him iseo namore
Anon þo he ope þis holyman is eiȝene auer caste
And wuste wel þat he it was him gan to ssame so sore
Þat he bigan to fleo anon & ne miȝte him iseo namore
Þo sein Ion þis isey he arnde after anon
And siwede him as hasteliche as is hors miȝte gon
He arnde as he a ȝongman were sone he seide þin ore
Wy flucstou me nam ich þi uader nedred þe noȝt so sore
Spek her wiþ þi feble fader vnarmed & in eolde
Abid nou me and ichelle for þe oure Louerdes reson ȝelde
Ich am prest þe deþ auonge for þe in stronge pine
As oure Louerd dude for us and my soule ȝiue for þine
Spek wiþ me bote þou wolle more ich hote a Godes name
Þe oþer astunte & abod vnneþe he miȝte for ssame
He aliȝte & vnarmede him and wepinge wel sore
He fel to sein Iones fet and cride him milce and ore
And bihet him stableliche þat he nolde misdo namore
Ac louie God and Holy Churche and libbe al bi is lore
So þat he was afterward godman & stable inou
And bi sein Ion is rede ladde is lif & to alle godnesse drou
And siwede him as hasteliche as is hors miȝte gon
He arnde as he a ȝongman were sone he seide þin ore
Wy flucstou me nam ich þi uader nedred þe noȝt so sore
Spek her wiþ þi feble fader vnarmed & in eolde
Abid nou me and ichelle for þe oure Louerdes reson ȝelde
Ich am prest þe deþ auonge for þe in stronge pine
As oure Louerd dude for us and my soule ȝiue for þine
Spek wiþ me bote þou wolle more ich hote a Godes name
Þe oþer astunte & abod vnneþe he miȝte for ssame
He aliȝte & vnarmede him and wepinge wel sore
He fel to sein Iones fet and cride him milce and ore
And bihet him stableliche þat he nolde misdo namore
Ac louie God and Holy Churche and libbe al bi is lore
So þat he was afterward godman & stable inou
And bi sein Ion is rede ladde is lif & to alle godnesse drou
Sein Ion lyuede here so longe & so monye is dawes were
Þat he nemiȝte ouer þe eorþe go bote as is deciples him bere
Hi bere him for feblesse & for eolde to churche mid alle teone
And euere he prechede ham þat loue ham were bitwene
Þat he nemiȝte ouer þe eorþe go bote as is deciples him bere
Hi bere him for feblesse & for eolde to churche mid alle teone
And euere he prechede ham þat loue ham were bitwene
Þo he was of an hondred ȝer bote o ȝer wane vnneþe
And seuene & sixti ȝer it was after oure Louerdes deþe
Oure Louerd com & is deciples to him fram heuene anhey
Com forþ he sede mi leoue frend to me þi tyme is ney
Hit is ney time þat þou come to my riche feste
Wiþ þine breþeren in my riche þat ssel euere ileste
For þou sselt nou a Soneday þat þe vifte day henne is
Þe day of myn oprisinge to me come iwis
And seuene & sixti ȝer it was after oure Louerdes deþe
Oure Louerd com & is deciples to him fram heuene anhey
Com forþ he sede mi leoue frend to me þi tyme is ney
Hit is ney time þat þou come to my riche feste
Wiþ þine breþeren in my riche þat ssel euere ileste
For þou sselt nou a Soneday þat þe vifte day henne is
Þe day of myn oprisinge to me come iwis
Þis holyman het is deciples þat hi him to churche bere
Þat of him and inis name Aristodimus let rere
Þat folk com sone þicke þuder wiþ deol & sorwe inou
For it was sone couþ þat [he] toward is ende drou
Þe seueniȝt wel tyme [he] bigan his seruise to do
And suþþe he gan þat folk to wisse & to prechi also
Þat of him and inis name Aristodimus let rere
Þat folk com sone þicke þuder wiþ deol & sorwe inou
For it was sone couþ þat [he] toward is ende drou
Þe seueniȝt wel tyme [he] bigan his seruise to do
And suþþe he gan þat folk to wisse & to prechi also
Atte uerste cokken crowe he gan to prechi faste
And forte hei vndern of þe daye is prechinge ilaste
Þo het he ham þat a put four heornede hy made
Faste bi þe heie weued mid ssouele & mid spade
And þat hi caste out atte churchedore þe eorþe ȝeorne he bad
Mid wop and mid sor inou þis put was ymad
And forte hei vndern of þe daye is prechinge ilaste
Þo het he ham þat a put four heornede hy made
Faste bi þe heie weued mid ssouele & mid spade
And þat hi caste out atte churchedore þe eorþe ȝeorne he bad
Mid wop and mid sor inou þis put was ymad
Þo þis put al ȝare was biuore hare alre siȝte
Þis holy man wel softeliche þeron gan aliȝte
Is honden he held up anhey swete Louerd he sede
Comynde ich am to þi feste as þou me er bede
Louerd muche ich þonke þe þat it þi wille is
To þi gustnynge clupie me for ich wilny iwis
Þin sones ich take þe to loke wanne i nemai ham no leng wite
Þat Holy Churche þi clene spouse þoru me þe haþ bi riȝte
Þis holy man wel softeliche þeron gan aliȝte
Is honden he held up anhey swete Louerd he sede
Comynde ich am to þi feste as þou me er bede
Louerd muche ich þonke þe þat it þi wille is
To þi gustnynge clupie me for ich wilny iwis
Þat Holy Churche þi clene spouse þoru me þe haþ bi riȝte
Vnderuong me wiþ my breþeren þat þou broȝtest wiþ þe
Þou bede me to þine feste & come after me
Þo com þer aboute þis holyman so gret liȝt & liȝte
Þat noman ne miȝte for cler leom of him habbe a siȝte
Þis holyman him blessede and wel softe adoun lay
Mi breþeren he sede iblessed ȝe be[o] & habbe wel goday
Þis godeman wende out of þis world al clene wiþoute pine
As he was clene in maydenot he com to a swete fine
Þe cler liȝt þat aboute him was last almest a tide
Þat folk ne sei non oþer þing wel faste hi wope & cride
Þou bede me to þine feste & come after me
Þo com þer aboute þis holyman so gret liȝt & liȝte
Þat noman ne miȝte for cler leom of him habbe a siȝte
Þis holyman him blessede and wel softe adoun lay
Mi breþeren he sede iblessed ȝe be[o] & habbe wel goday
Þis godeman wende out of þis world al clene wiþoute pine
As he was clene in maydenot he com to a swete fine
Þe cler liȝt þat aboute him was last almest a tide
Þat folk ne sei non oþer þing wel faste hi wope & cride
Þo þis liȝt ipassed was hi lokede þane put to gronde
Þar inne of þis holyman noþing hi ne seie ne fonde
Ne noþing bote smale grenes þat hi miȝte vnderȝite
Þat holy þing is þat icluped manna in holy write
Þar inne of þis holyman noþing hi ne seie ne fonde
Ne noþing bote smale grenes þat hi miȝte vnderȝite
Þat holy þing is þat icluped manna in holy write
Þe wile God in forme of rein fram heuene to eorþe sende
Þe children of Ierusalem mete þo hi of Egipte wende
Þis manna þis holy grein ȝute to þis daie deþ springe
Of þis put þat many men bringeþ to botnynge
Non oþer þing of sein Ion me nemiȝte an eorþe finde
Al clene ich wene in heuene he is þer nis no lyme bihinde
Of eche halwe me fond þat soþe þat body bileuede here
Bote of oure Leuedy & of him þat maidens were so clere
Worþi a þing is maidenot as it was on ham isene
Sein Ion wende in þis manere out of þis world ich wene
Þe children of Ierusalem mete þo hi of Egipte wende
Þis manna þis holy grein ȝute to þis daie deþ springe
Of þis put þat many men bringeþ to botnynge
Non oþer þing of sein Ion me nemiȝte an eorþe finde
Al clene ich wene in heuene he is þer nis no lyme bihinde
Of eche halwe me fond þat soþe þat body bileuede here
Bote of oure Leuedy & of him þat maidens were so clere
Worþi a þing is maidenot as it was on ham isene
Sein Ion wende in þis manere out of þis world ich wene
Seint Edward þat was nou late in Engelond oure king
Sein Ion þe ewaungelist he louede þoru alle þing
Me ne ssolde him noþing bidde for loue of sein Ion
Þat he miȝte do wiþoute blame þat he ne grantede anon
Sein Ion þe ewaungelist he louede þoru alle þing
Me ne ssolde him noþing bidde for loue of sein Ion
Þat he miȝte do wiþoute blame þat he ne grantede anon
A day þer com a pouereman wiþ wel dreori mod
And bad him for sein Iones loue to ȝiue him som god
Seint Edward biþoȝte him þo he nadde nei him noþing
Forto ȝiue þis pouereman bote a guldene ring
Þis ring he louede wel inou and for þe loue of sein Ion
He ȝaf hine ȝute þis pouereman and he wende forþ anon
And bad him for sein Iones loue to ȝiue him som god
Forto ȝiue þis pouereman bote a guldene ring
Þis ring he louede wel inou and for þe loue of sein Ion
He ȝaf hine ȝute þis pouereman and he wende forþ anon
Þer after suþþe sein Ion com to a kniȝt of Engelonde
As he was biȝende se auntres forto fonde
Wend he sede wanne þou hom comst to Edward ȝoure king
And seie þat he for was loue he ȝaf þisne ring
Him sende her is ring aȝen and þonkede him also
Þo þis kniȝt com to Engelond is erande he gan do
As he was biȝende se auntres forto fonde
Wend he sede wanne þou hom comst to Edward ȝoure king
And seie þat he for was loue he ȝaf þisne ring
Him sende her is ring aȝen and þonkede him also
Þo þis kniȝt com to Engelond is erande he gan do
Seint Edward ikneu þane ring & vnderstod anon
Þat þe pouereman þat he him ȝaf was þe louerd sein Ion
Þulke ring is ȝute at Westm[i]nstre in relike ido
As me sseweþ pilgrims þat ofte comeþ þertwo
Nou sein Ion þe waungelist ȝif it þi wille is
Bidde for us þat we mote come to heuene blis
Þat þe pouereman þat he him ȝaf was þe louerd sein Ion
Þulke ring is ȝute at Westm[i]nstre in relike ido
As me sseweþ pilgrims þat ofte comeþ þertwo
Nou sein Ion þe waungelist ȝif it þi wille is
Bidde for us þat we mote come to heuene blis
The South English Legendary | ||