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[My masters and friends, and good people draw neere]
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[My masters and friends, and good people draw neere]

My masters and friends, and good people draw neere,
And looke to your purses, for that I doe say;

And though little money, in them you doe beare.
It cost more to get, then to lose in a day.
You oft haue beene told,
Both the young and the old;
And bidden beware of the cutpurse so bold:
Then if you take heed not, free me from the curse,
Who both giue you warning, for and, the cutpurse.
Youth, youth, thou hadst better bin staru'd by thy Nurse,
Then liue to be hanged for cutting a purse.

It hath bin vpbrayded to men of my trade,
That oftē times we are the cause of this crime.
Alacke and for pitty, why should it be said?
As if they regarded or places, or time.
Examples haue been
Of some that were seen,
In Westminster Hall, yea the pleaders between,
Then why should the Iudges be free from this curse,
More then my poore selfe, for cutting the purse?
Youth, youth, thou hadst better bin staru'd by thy Nurse,
Then liue to be hanged for cutting a purse.


At Worc'ter 'tis knowne well, and euen i'the Iayle,
A Knight of good worship did there shew his face,
Against the foule sinners, in zeale for to rayle,
And lost (ipso facto) his purse in the place.
Nay, once from the Seat
Of Iudgement so great,
A Iudge there did lose a faire pouch of veluete.
O Lord for thy mercy, how wicked or worse,
Are those that so venture their necks for a purse! Youth, youth, &c.

At Playes and at Sermons, and at the Sessions,
'Tis daily their practice such booty to make:
Yea, vnder the Gallowes, at Executions,
They sticke not the Stare-abouts purses to take.
Nay one without grace,
at a better place,
At Court, & in Christmas, before the Kings face,
Alacke then for pitty must I beare the curse,
That onely belongs to the cunning cutpurse?


But O, you vile nation of cutpurses all,
Relent and repent, and amend and be sound,
And know that you ought not, by honest mens fall,
Adnauce your owne fortunes, to die aboue ground,
And though you goe gay,
In silkes as you may,
It is not the high way to heauen, (as they say)
Repent then, repent you, for better, for worse:
And kisse not the Gallowes for cutting a purse.
Youth, youth, thou hadst better bin steru'd by thy Nurse,
Then liue to be hanged for cutting a purse.