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Collected poems of Sir Thomas Wyatt

Edited by Kenneth Muir and Patricia Thomson

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[To wette your yee withoutyn teare]

To wette your yee withoutyn teare,
And in good helthe to fayne dyssease,
That you therby myn yee myght bleare,
Therwith your ffrendes to please;
And thoughe ye thynk ye ned not ffeare,
Yet so ye cannot me Apease;
But as you lyst, ffayne, fflatyr or glose,
You shall not wynn yf I do lose.
Prat and paynt and spare not,
Ye knowe I can me wreke;
And yf so be ye car not,
Be suer I do not Recke:
And thoughe ye swere yt were not,
I can bothe swere and speake;
By god and by the crosse,
If I haue the mocke, ye shall haue the worse.