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Joy! joy! for the Day-Star is breaking
O'er all these wild forests and shores;
From a slumber of ages awaking,
Her light again Liberty pours.
O'er the wastes of the New World ascending,
Where but lately the red savage trod,
Young Freedom her war-song is blending
With the anthem that rises to God!
The strong man starts up from his sleeping,
And the bright blade to sunlight is leaping!
O clarion song! O glorious clarion song!
Prevail above the hills—prevail! prevail!
Make mountain echoes happy to prolong
Thy choral burden, never more to fail!


Oh! the young virgin land shall no longer
By the despot's foul foot be debased;
The God in his own realm grows stronger,
And his altars now rise undefaced.
From mountain, from river, from valley,
The songs of the true heart ascend,
And the brave to the dread conflict rally,
And the doom and the danger impend;
The blood of the free streams like water,
And the hills wear the garment of slaughter.
O clarion song! awaken a new song—
Proclaim how Freedom's battle must prevail!
That Right shall trample down the hosts of Wrong,
Till none be living left to tell the tale.



'Tis the truth that hath made us victorious
For what were our weapons of fight?
The boar-spear and bow are made glorious,
'Gainst the legions all mailéd in might!
'Twas the virgin of Freedom that won us
The fame and the spoils of the field;
And she flung her white mantle upon us,
And this was our banner and shield;
And we build her an altar of ages,
Which shall mock all the enemy's rages.
Pour, clarion, pour the ancient anthem out,
So that new men, with former deeds elate,
Shall face the glorious music with a shout,
And front the spoiling foeman with a Fate!