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[O Thou, whose kind compassion]

O Thou, whose kind compassion
Hath lengthen'd out my day,
To see Thy great salvation
Still in the flesh I stay:


Thyself the cause unfoldest
Of all Thy patient grace,
My soul in life Thou holdest,
That I may see Thy face.
For this, as tottering over
The grave I feebly stand,
Till Thou Thyself discover,
And bring me safe to land;
I live, though daily dying,
And languish for that peace,
And wait that blood's applying
Which signs my soul's release.
My God, Thou wilt not leave me,
When strength and friends depart,
But graciously forgive me,
And seal it on my heart
In joy beyond expressing,
In comforts from above,
In every gospel blessing,
In all the life of love.
Come then my Consolation,
My Life beyond the grave,
And show me Thy salvation,
And by Thy presence save:
In faith's most strict embraces
O might I compass Thee,
And then in heavenly places
Thy face for ever see.