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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalme. CXLIX.

The Argument.

Thys Psalme the Iewes doth moue,
Theyr God to laude wyth loue:
It sheweth that grace on them shall lyght,
So glad their foes to quyte.


Cantate Domino.

O syng vnto the Lord,
A song of new accord:
And let his prayse: declared bee,
In good mens company.


Let Israell be glad,
in God hys maker drad:
Let Syons youth: and childer ioy,
In their most princely roy.


Let them prayse out in quiere,
Hys name to them so dere:
In Tabret loud: in harpe so soft,
Sing they to hym ful oft.


For why the Lord reioyce,
And loueth hys flocke in choyce:
The meke forlorne: he will adourne,
wyth health to serue theyr turne.


So godly men made free,
in ioy and prayse shal bee:
They shall reioyce: vpon their beds,
That God did rayse their heds.



Their throtes shall prayses sound,
to God by duety bound:
Two edged swordes: in both theyr handes,
to smite all forren landes.


To be auenged right,
of all the Paynyms spite:
To be a rod: to chastise smart,
straunge peoples froward hart.


To bynde their kinges wyth chaynes,
to quite their wrongfull meanes
Theyr nobles eke: to kepe in warde,
wyth iron fetters hard.


To bryng on them in speede,
theyr iudgement iust decreed:
Which shall his saintes: to honour rayse,
prayse ye the Lord alwayes.