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Mundi et Cordis

De Rebus Sempiternis et Temporariis: Carmina. Poems and Sonnets. By Thomas Wade

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Thou hast not built thy house upon the rock
Of Christ and his Good-Tidings, thou proud Thing,
Self-baptized with the name of “Hierarchy”!
But on the sand of this world's vanishing;
Wherefore, it shall not brave the coming shock
Of Truth and Knowledge, in their flowings high
Up the vast banks of Time; but, undermined,
Must shake, and great shall be the fall thereof.
Thy title is usurp'd, swollen Hierarchy!
“Chief of the Sacred” art thou not; for, know
That not with Mammon and his rust, below,
Abideth Sacredness, whose mansion-roof
Archeth the Universe!—O, Base-of-Mind!
Thou in the Church of Christ hast dug a gluttonous stye.