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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 163. The precious Promises.

A happy Soul, O Lord, is he
Who Union has with thee;
Th'Promises to him are given,
Which sweet and precious be.
Lord, when thou giv'st thy self to us,
Promises are precious;
But never till we did believe,
Could we e're find them thus.
All praise to God, the Lord on high,
And to Christ who did die
To purchase for us Blessings store
To all Eternity.


We now therefore, O Lord, will sing
Unto our glorious King,
From whence the precious Promises
Of Grace to us doe spring.
What precious Blessings do we see,
Who interest have in thee!
And shall be happy evermore
Unto eternity.