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Hell tormenteth not the damned ghostes so sore as vnkindnesse the louer.

The restlesse rage of depe deuouryng hell,
The blasing brandes, that neuer do consume,
The roryng route, in Plutoes den that dwell:
The fiery breath, that from those ymps doth fume:
The dropsy dryeth, that Tantale in the flood
Endureth aye, all hopelesse of relief:
He hongersteruen, where frute is ready food:
So wretchedly his soule doth suffer grief:
The liuer gnawne of gylefull Promethus,
Which Uultures fell with strayned talant tyre:
The labour lost of wearyed Sisiphus:
These hellish houndes, with paines of quenchlesse fyre,
Can not so sore the silly soules torment,
As her vntruth my hart hath alltorent.