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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Quarta propter restaurandorum purificacionem.

the furthe cause whi he wold not rise
er the thridde day comen wer,
was for to schow that al his
weren restoret in heuen and her,
And that he wold thurght his aprise
puryfy suche as by prayer
and gode werkes werne ay wyse
to dred hym and be to hym dere.
As Petre Rauenne wel con say,
In Latyn as I shal specify,
And after in Englisch more verray
for lewet men that her ben by:

Petrus Rauennas: Tres enim dies voluit esse sue sepulture, que in celo sunt, restauraturus, que in terra, reparaturus, & que apud inferos, reparaturus.

Thre daies he sais that Crist wold be
In sepulcre lying as he was,
ffor into heuen restore wold he
monkynde, that gylt, to gete hom gras,
And in erth reperaile eke
thyng that mon-kynde did amys,
thurgh his deth þat was so meke
teche hom redy way to blis,
And out of helle als to forby
tho þat long time þer hade bene,
therfore thre daies he wold so lye
til þes thre places wer ouer-sene.