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Psalm XXIV. Domini est terra.

The Earth is Gods, and what the globe of earth containeth,
And all who in that globe doe dwell:
For by his pow'r, the land upon the Ocean raigneth,
Through him the fludds to their bedds fell.
Who shall clime to the hill, which Gods own hill is named?
Who shall stand in his holy place?
He that hath hurtles handes, whose inward hart is framed
All purnesse ever to embrace.
Who shunning vanity and workes of vainenesse leaving
Vainly doth not puff upp his mind,
Who never doth deceave, and much lesse his deceaving
With perjury doth falsly bind.
A blessing from the Lord, from God of his salvation
Sweete rightuousnesse shall he receave,
Jacob this is thy seede, God seeking generation,
Who search of Gods face never leave.
Lift up your heades you gates; and you dores ever biding:
In comes the king of glory bright.
Who is this glorious king? in might and power riding?
The Lord, whose strength makes battailes fight.
Lift up your heades you gates, and you dores ever biding:
In comes the king of glory bright.
Who is this glorious king? the lord of armies guiding
Even he the king of glory hight.