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Never forget the hour of our first meeting,
When 'mid the sounds of revelry and song
Only thy soul could know that mine was greeting
Its idol, wished for, waited for so long;
Never forget.
Never forget the joy of that revealment,
Centring an age of bliss in one sweet hour,
When love broke forth from friendship's frail concealment
And stood confessed to us in godlike power;
Never forget.
Never forget my heart's intense devotion,
Its wealth of freshness at thy feet flung free,
Its golden hopes whelmed in that boundless ocean
Which merged all wishes, all desires, save thee;
Never forget.
Never forget the moment when we parted,
When from love's summer-cloud the bolt was hurled
That drove us, scathed in soul and broken-hearted,
Alone to wander through this desert world;
Never forget.