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Sec. 2-71. Suspension or removal of subordinate officers.[35]

The mayor shall have the power to suspend any officer of
the city for proper cause and to remove such officers for misconduct,


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malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance in office.
No order of removal under this section shall be made until
the officer affected shall have been given reasonable notice of
the charge against him and an opportunity to be heard in
person or by counsel and to present testimony in his defense.
Such order shall specify the cause of removal and an appeal
shall lie therefrom, of right, to the corporation court of the
city. The mayor, when he has made such a suspension or
removal, shall report the facts, with the reasons for his action,
to the next regular meeting of the city council. (Code 1959, §


For similar charter provisions, see Char., § 32.

For other provisions as to removal of officers by mayor, see § 2-183
of this Code.