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For Undergraduates.

Greek 1: For beginners: Elementary grammar and composition;
Xenophon, Anabasis. Covers two years of school work and admits to
Greek A1. (No credit value for any degree.) Monday, Wednesday, Friday,
9-10. Cabell Hall. Adjunct Professor McLemore.

Greek 2: Greek A of the entrance requirements, prerequisite.—Xenophon,
Anabasis: Homer, Iliad I-III. Grammar and composition. (No credit
value for any degree.) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 9-10. Cabell Hall.
Professor Webb.


Page 148

Greek A1: Greek 1 or 2, or Greek A and B of the entrance requirements,
—Lysias, selected orations; Plato, Apology and Crito;
Homer, Odyssey V-VIII. Grammar and composition. Collateral reading:
Private and Public Life of the Greeks. (B.A. credit, 3 session-hours.)
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 10-11. Cabel Hall. Professor Webb.

Greek B1: Greek A1 or its equivalent, prerequisite. Herodotus, Book
VII. Euripides, Medea; Menander, Epitrepontes; Aristophanes, Clouds.
Collateral reading: History of Greek Literature. (B.A. credit, 3 session-hours.)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 11-12. Cabell Hall. Professor Webb.

Greek B2: Greek B1 or its equivalent, prerequisite.—Demosthenes, On
the Crown,
with a comparative study of Æschines, Against Ctesiphon;
Lyric Poets, selection; Aristophanes, Knights; Sophocles, Antigone. (B.A.
credit, 3 session-hours.) Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 10-11. Cabell Hall.
Professor Webb.