University of Virginia Library

Sec. 3. Division of city into districts; enumeration.

For the purposes enumerated in section 33-1 of this chapter,[5] the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, is hereby divided
into nine districts. The use, height, area and parking regulations
are uniform within each district and said districts shall
be known as:

  • R-1 residential district

  • R-2 residential district

  • R-3 multiple-dwelling district

  • B office-shop district

  • B-1 business district

  • B-2 business district

  • B-3 business district

  • B-4 business district

  • M-1 restricted industrial district

  • M-2 industrial district

(2-17-58, § 33-3; 1-18-72.)


Section 1 of this Appendix.