University of Virginia Library


[Worship, and power, and thanks, and love]

Worship, and power, and thanks, and love
To God, the gracious God and true,
Whose faithfulness again we prove,
And mercies every moment new:
Jesus hath heard His people's prayer,
Our child revived, our son re-given;
Let all His healing name declare,
And spread His praise through earth and heaven.
Saviour, we at Thy hands receive
This pledge of greater good to come,
And to Thy wise disposal leave
Whom Thou hast ransom'd from the tomb:
The child, no longer ours, but Thine,
Even from his earliest infancy
To Thee we cheerfully resign,
A servant of Thy church and Thee.


While here our Samuel we present,
With favour, Lord, accept the loan,
To Thee irrevocably lent,
And bless and seal him for Thine own:
Devoted from his infant days,
O may he in Thy courts be found,
Grow up to minister Thy grace,
And spread through earth the gospel sound.