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Father, by the tender name
Thou for man vouchsaf'st to bear,
We Thy needful succour claim,
We implore Thy pitying care,
For our stricken child distress'd:
Wilt Thou not our load remove,
Calm the tumult in our breast,
Manifest Thy saving love?
Love inflicts the plague severe,
Love the dire distemper sends:
Let Thy heavenly messenger
Answer all Thy gracious ends:
Give us power to watch and pray
Trembling at the threaten'd loss:
Tear our hearts from earth away,
Nail them to Thy bleeding cross.
Fain we would obedient prove,
Here on rugged Calvary
Render back the son we love,
Yield our only son to Thee:
While he on the altar lies,
We to Thy decree submit,
Offer up our sacrifice,
Weep in silence at Thy feet.
Human tears may freely flow
Authorised by tears Divine,
Till Thine awful will we know,
Comprehend Thy whole design:


Jesus wept! and so may we:
Jesus, suffering all Thy will,
Felt the soft infirmity;
Feels His creature's sorrow still.
Father of our patient Lord,
Strengthen us with Him to grieve,
Prostrate to receive Thy word,
All Thy counsel to receive:
Though we would the cup decline,
Govern'd by Thy will alone,
Ours we struggle to resign:
Thine, and only Thine, be done.
Life and death are in Thine hand:
In Thine hand our child we see
Waiting Thy benign command,
Less beloved by us than Thee:
Need we then his life request?
Jesus understands our fears,
Reads a mother's panting breast,
Knows the meaning of her tears.
Jesus blends them with His own,
Mindful of His suffering days:
Father, hear Thy pleading Son,
Son of Man for us He prays:
What for us He asks, bestow:
Ours He makes His own request:
Send us life or death; we know,
Life, or death from Thee is best.