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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalme. CXLVIII.

The Argument.

To prayse here all be byd: what heauen or earth contayne:
The Lord so hye: and sapyent: nothyng he made in vayne.


Laudate Domino in Cœlis.

Prayse ye the Lord: from heauens: ye heauenly mynds I call,
Prayse him on hye: as hye he is: ye powers celestiall,


Prayse hym ye Angels all: his legats ye that be:
ye hosts so cald: his armies great: prayse hym in maiesty.



Prayse him ye sunne and moone: in course so maruelous,
Ye starres so bright: ye Planets all: prayse hym most glorious.


Ye heauens by heauens distinct: prayse him with all your shyne,
ye water streames: aboue the ayre: so stayde by power deuyne.


They all might prayse and laud: the Lordes good name of myght,
For he the worde: but spake at once: they straight were made in plight.


He constituted hath: that they should euer dure,
He set a law: which shall not cease: by ordinance most sure.


Ye earthly thinges on earth: prayse ye the Lord with them,
Ye dragons grim: ye depes and gulfes: shew ye his power supreme


Fire, lightning, thunder, hayle, both snow and vapours drye,
ye hurling wyndes: tempestuous: which worke his word full nye.


Great mountains hils and clifs: low hillockes all and some,
ye fruitefull trees: ye Ceders all: prayse ye the Lordes renome.


Ye beastes and cattell all: both sauage wylde and tame,
ye serpents slye: ye fetherd soules: prayse ye his godly name.


So kinges of earth most due: with all their people met,
So princes hie: and iudges all: on earth as Gods be set.


So yonger men and maydes: in age syncere and pure,
As older men: with childer yong: with all their busy cure.


The Lordes name let them prayse: for it alone is hye:
His glory passth: both heauen & earth: as thyngs here made do cry.


He hath his flock aduanced: so him his saintes shall prayse,
Euen Iacobs seede: who drawth him nie: praise ye the lord always.