University of Virginia Library


That evening, with a feeling half forlorn,
With him unusual, Ranolf musing sate,
And listened listless to his followers' chat.
It was the hour for sleep; but though outworn
With hunting, now with reckless zest pursued
In his unsatisfied and restless mood,
Little for slumber felt the youth disposed.
Outside their hut beneath the stars reclined,
Or pacing to and fro, he let the Night—
Its soft black-brooding Spirit-wings outspread,
Its myriad-winking eyes of mystic light
Exulting in their secret undisclosed—
Sink down into and soothe his working mind:
“It was so still and breathless,” as he said,
“You almost heard the stars throb.” One by one
His comrades to their mats retired to rest;


Till Táreha was with Ranolf left alone,
Who at a legend all his tribe outshone:—
Of many, this was one he told his guest: