University of Virginia Library

Collects after the Offertory.

“Assist us mercifully, O Lord, in these our supplications.” Prayer Book.

Exhaustless like a mother's heart
With blessings for her child
Thou for Thy praying children art,—
In faith the undefiled;
Stored in whose sacramental depths abound
Gifts of subduing grace by worship found.
Soon will those harsh unheavenly airs
Which round the rude world play,
Be heard, instead of temple-prayers
True souls delight to say,—
When back to perill'd life their spirits go
And face the warfare christian warriors know.
And lest unask'd some mercy be,
Six parting Collects woo
The Pastor's choice; where souls may see
How all of deep and true
Pure supplication can from God require,
Breathes in that love our Church's lips inspire.


In this vex'd world of change and chance
Lord, none are safe but those
Who live beneath Thy loving glance
In pureness and repose;
And in the ark of Thy salvation, find
A blissful centre which becalms the mind.
And grace prevenient now we ask
For all begun or ended
In burden'd life's mysterious task,
With sin and sorrow blended:
That flesh and spirit, heart and inmost soul
May all become Thy consecrated whole.
And let Thine own almighty word
Be grafted on each heart
That saints may practise what they heard
And choose that “better part”
Which when the universe dissolves away
In calm eternity outlives decay.
Fountain of grace! to Thee is known
A viewless world within
Of wants unbreath'd, we dare not own,—
Of blindness dread or sin;
But Thy compassions can interpret all
Who in meek silence on Thy mercy call.
Cheer'd by Thy presence, hence we plead
His everlasting Name
Who bow'd the heavens on earth to bleed,
And died the death of shame
That pardon'd guilt on God might dare to gaze
And gladden angels with, “Behold, he prays!”
Thus down the haunted aisles of prayer
With musing step and slow
As part we, for our paths of care,
This creed Thy children know,—
The chord which vibrates in each heart is love,
And that which tunes it, is The Hand above!