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Rich and rare was the chain he wore,
And a long white wand in his hand he bore;
But oh! his paunch strutted far beyond
His bright gold chain, and his snow-white wand.
“Oh, Alderman, dost thou not fear to go,
Where the turtle shall smoke, and the Burgundy flow?
Are the doctors so sparing of lancet and pill,
Not to physic or bleed thee for this night's swill? ”
“Good ma'am,” said he, “I feel no alarm;
Nor turtle nor Burgundy does me a harm;
For though of your doctors I've had a score,
I but love good eating and drinking the more.”
On he went—and his purple nose
Soon over dish, platter, and bottle glows:
And long may he stuff, who thus defied
Lancet, pill, bolus, and potion beside.