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His Divine Weekes And Workes with A Compleate Collectio[n] of all the other most delight-full Workes: Translated and written by yt famous Philomusus: Iosvah Sylvester

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To The Right Reverend & honorable Father, George Abbot, Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury

IN Grate-full HONOR
Of Your Many Giftes
Of Grace & Natvre
(Apted to Your Place)
This Dorike Pillar
My Devotion liftes;
To shew Heere-After,
What We owe your Grace:
Both, for Your Prudence,
And Your Pious Zeale;
Learning And Labour
In Your Double Charge;
Swaying The Chvrch,
Staying the Common-Weale;
Most Stvdiovs Euer
EITHER to Enlarge:
And Last (not least) of all,
For Constant standing
On Right's vveake Side,
Against the Tide of wrong;
When Philistines,
And Daliladies banding,
With Armes or Charmes
Would bind or blind the Strong:
In Honor of these Honors, this I bring To Reuerend Abbot, & His Second; King. Vester—Syl—Vester Deditissimus.