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The Poetical Works of William Drummond of Hawthornden

With "A Cypresse Grove": Edited by L. E. Kastner

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[lviii] Vpon a Baye Tree, not long since growing in the Ruines of Virgils Tombe.
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[lviii] Vpon a Baye Tree, not long since growing in the Ruines of Virgils Tombe.

Those Stones which once had Trust
Of Maros sacred Dust,
Which now of their first Beautie spoylde are seene,
That they due Praise not want,
Inglorious and remaine,
A Delian Tree (faire Natures only Plant)
Now courtes, and shadowes with her Tresses greene:
Sing Iö Pæan, yee of Phœbus Traine,
Though Enuie, Auarice, Time, your Tombes throw downe,
With Maiden Lawrells Nature will them crowne.