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The Minor Poems of John Lydgate

edited from all available mss. with an attempt to establish The Lydgate Canon: By Henry Noble MacCracken
5 occurrences of Beholde and se
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5 occurrences of Beholde and se
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[From Wynkyn de Worde's first print of The Temple of Glas.]

  • Rex sine sapiencia.
  • Dominus sine consilio.
  • Miles sine probitate.
  • Diues sine elemosina.
  • Senex sine religione.
  • Pauper superbus.
  • Episcopus sine doctrina.
  • Mulier sine castitate.
  • Iudex sine iusticia.
  • Populus sine lege.
  • Seruus sine timore.
  • Adolescens sine obediencia.


Goo forth, Kyng, reule the by sapyence;
Bysshop, be able to mynystre doctryne;
Lord, to treu counceyle yeue audyence;
Womanhed, to chastyte euer enclyne;
Knyght, lete thy dedes worshyp determyne;
Be rightuous, Iuge, in sauyng [of] thy name;
Ryche, doo almes, lest thou lese blys with shame.


People, obeye your kyng and the lawe;
Age, be thou ruled by good religyon;
True Seruaunt, be dredfull & kepe the vnder awe,
And thou, Poure, fye on presumpcyon;
Inobedyence to yougth is vtter destruccyon,
Remembre you how God hath sette you, lo!
And doo your parte, as ye ar ordeynd to.