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Onely by Pride's Contention: in whose Clink
Doth ly a Wisp, and Sand, though black as inck,
That brightens Patience till her plate out shine
The glorious body of the Sun in prime
Pope Sergius playing whoremaster begot
A bastard [incomplete line]
The mark thus of the whore of Babylon
Was now his brand. The Clergy hereupon
Would kick this Spotted Leopard quite away:
And Leo Chose. But Sergius kept the play.


John Sextus follows him, whose pride up towers

To get Ravenna's Hexarchate in's power.
But being Slain the Popedom rowles into


John Septim's lap, whose Pride did overflow

Swelling to finde the Eastern Churches would
Not to his headship bow nor Stirrup hold.
He for them gapes, as for a gudgion, and
Wrote to the Wreath to bring them to his hand.
Adorns in Stately Shew Churches, Churchyards
With Pictures, Images, and such like guards.


Then twenty dayes Sisinny hufft in pride

Then he by Vine, Venus or Venom dide.


Constantine next, who to Byzantium went,

And thence to Nicomedia the tent
Where now the Emp'ror was who at his feet
Falls prostrat seing how the Pope did Sweep
The ground with his Pontificalibus
Did beg a pardon of his Sins, and thus
Crav'd of him Sacred Mass, some thinke also
Hence Sprung the Kissing of the Popes greate toe.
And in this pride returns with gift all Stoughd.
Swells o're Ravenna till it's over throughd.
Claims Ticine Church as his, and therefor sets
It free from homage unto Millain's Skirts.
But these are butterflies: he higher soares
For when Philippicus the Emp'ror doors
Did shut upon the Roman Prelates pride
And Pictures of the Saints in temples 'stroy'de
Constantinoples sixt great Synod, which
For image worship voted, down did pitch
Cast down the Images wherein were drawn
The Acts thereof. And his own Faith, no spawn
Of forgeries, drew up, and sent this pope
Commanding him his Superscription to't,
And all the Roman Clergie's, he did Swell
Untill his gall did grow, as black as hell.
Commands that none say Mass for him, or have
Within the Church his Statue set (bold knave)


The Name of Emperour Hereticall
By publick or by privat writings shall
In Lead, in Brass, or Silver none accept.
Chargd Britwald Englands Primat up to get


A Synod images to ratify

At London, and by his authority
He should commend them both unto their Kings
And to the People; and this Prelats wings
Made two East Angle King, one Coen red
And Offa when at Rome shake from each head
His Royall Crown, and ware a Monkish Cowl.
When such Pride blossom Patience sure doth howle.


But Pride must fall. Greg'ry the second rose

And all in pride most furiously he froaths.
Doth Gorgeous make his Temples, Altars and
Monasteries made Purgd the Chappell stand
Calld the Jerusalems. And beautifide
The Oratore in th'Patriarchate wide,
With Metalls to Saint Peters honour, bright
And dawbd the Walls about the Altar quite
With Silver o're, and the Images he made
Of th'twelve Apostles, nine score pounds out layde.
But these are Shrimps: his pride much higher grew
He Damn'd, and Excommunications threw
On Leo the Emperour, and Anastase
The Patriarch, because they 'way did chase
All Image worship. And Commanded all
Hespery, and Lugury off to fall
With Italy, and ev'ry Western Realme
From their Obedience to him at the helme.
And not to give their Cesar tributage
And League'de with France against him was to wage
Raisd arms Italians and Longobards
Gainst Eutichy Lievtenant of the Wards
Of the Imperiall Host, sent Boniface
His Legate proud in Germain to desgrace
Those Churches there with popish trumperies
And marks them with his mark, idolatries.


Greg'ry the third then strides the beast, and he

As arch as was the former needs must bee
Against the Long'bard who hard arms up took
For's Seat against the Wreath, he calls the Duke
Of Venice: and the Hexarch hints to him.
And calls unto the Same Charles Frances King.
He by the Long'bard chast from Italy
The Greeks: and them did by the French annoy.
Leo the Emperour, and Anastase
Constantinoples Bishop did disgrace
Damn'd, Excommunicated, and with drew
The west from Faith, Obedience, tribute due


Unto the Emperour, and did translate
The Roman Church's safeguard from the Gate
Of Eastern Emperours to Kings of France
Who did unto his popish fiddle dance,
Over the Church of Christ a Lordship swayes
Its Head he will be calld: His Legates raise
That all obey them he commands, as just:
But yet proud Lucifer soon drops to dust.


Next Zacharia's Pride falls to Ferment,

The Popedom being his doth give it vent.
He first invented Sacerdotall Vests
With gold and Gems distinguisht from the rest.
He made a golden Vest, and Silver Crown,
For Peters Altar sacred of renown.
Claims Power Divine t'impose and to depose
Kings, first, that froward grow, as storie goes.
And to absolve their Subjects from their Oath
Of true Fidelity (What fruit hence growth?)
Charles Martills Bastard, little Pipin, who
Betray'd his Lord, he Crown'd King up did throw
Childericks Kingdom on him and his Heirs,
Tho him no aide against the Long'bards Spares.
Kings he did Stigmatiz with's beastly Brand:


Made Car'leman a Shavling Monke to Stand

And Rachis too the Long'bard King also


With Wife, and Children into Cloisters goe.

Theodorick too King of France there thrusts.
As Boniface desir'd who hath the trust


To do the feate and to annoint in's stead

Pipin the King of France, and Crown his head.
The French, and German Churches did disguise
And did them tread by Romes Idolatries.
Vile Boniface Archbishop made of Ments
And Colen Church he brought into his tents
Churches and Bishops, and the French Kings hee
Orders him to Secure and to him see.
And thus we finde how Pride his topsails blows
While Patience weeps. But down he tumbled goes.
Its said, he to Ravenna going had
A Cloud all day from heat him shadowed.
And did by night his Camp Surround. And led
With fiery troops next day that ore him fled.


Next Stephene Second Cockhorst it whose Spurs

Are Steeld with Pride, his works are mostly blurs.
Romes Primacy he mounts up: up doth tower
Of making, and unmaking Kings his power.
The Kingdoms of the World, and Glory brave
Right or not right Rome's Seat he judgd should crave.
Ravenna's Exarcate he wriths away
From th'Longbard by King Pipin, and his fray.
And other Countries too of Italy
That stretcht out to the lake of Venice ly,


That to the Eastern Emperour belong
And by the Title (be it wicked wrong)
Of Peters Gift or Patrimony to
The Seat of Rome he them made subject go
And for requitall unto Pipin King
And Charles and Charlamain, he did them bring
To Peters and Paula Altar, them annoints


Kings, and right Heirs of Frances Realm appoints

And thunders out his Curses on the pate
Of such as this decree should violate.
When Chilperick the rightfull king peeps out
From's Cloister, he in thrusts him back and snouts.
And Pipin and the French unoathed from
The Cath that bound them to their now poor Don.
From Rachis he, and Longbards safe did bring
One Desidery and declar'd him King.
Against the Grecians Empire he in hate
Consults it from them to the French t'translate.
To ty the French in faster knots, by flies
He Pipin moove (and here's the Rat he tries)
To Choose him Godfather unto his Son:
That So his Power might o're them ruling run.
When Pipin and his Son Charles on the ground
Once sat, they kist his Feet: and up skipt Round
And held his Stirrup, and his horses Rains.
While up he rose, brave Orslers he gains.
He was the fire brand, and the trumpit blew
Of war, that Pipin and Longbards brew,
At Ticine, where fell Aistulph: at whose fall
He with his popit Gods, Saint-Relicks all
In Solemn pomp, and triumph first began
Rode on mens Shoulders to the Lateran.
Hence sprung the Pride of Popes wherein they ride
Upon mens back: Yet down Death through his Pride.


Him Paul the first succeeds: Prides Spawn cast in

The Popedoms Pride pleck soon Sprung up in him.
The Church of Rome he in his letters Calls
The Spirituall Mother of the Churches all.
That Popes as worldly princes lord it might
He deemd, and Kingdoms, and their glory bright
Might have and hold. And Lawfull Kings dispise.
The State of th'Roman Empire makes his prize
Ravenna's Exarchate, and all the Land
Of Italy left lapt up by the hand
Of Stephen, in th'Pall Peters Patrimony,
With all his might and Rhetorick like honey
Against the Greeks and Longobard, who were
The rightfull Lord of all those realms plac'd Here.


The Beneventines, who possessions got
In Company, and had unto the lot
Of Sicily Patrician subject been
He threatend more than once with languague keen,
He'd be upon their backs unless they do
Desist their Enterprises, to their woe.
Pipin his godfather wrote and exhorts
The Roman Senate, and folk of all Sorts
That they stand firm, and faithfull under call,
To Peter Prince of the Apostles all.
And to the Holy Church of God, and round
Their Spirituall Father who's most blessed found
And Coangelicall by God held ope
Lord Paul, Chiefe Priest, and Universall Pope.
Yet of a fever in Pauls Church he fell


Like to a Fatted Swine. Thus Pride farewell.

Then Constantine a hurly burly gang
Crowded in Peters Chair, not worst of bran.
Swells with th'Imperiall Poison of his Seat
After the Worlds Grandure, and Glory greate.
Saluteth Pipin, and intreats his aide,
And shews he nothing dreaming thus, was made
By boist'rous hands the Churches head and found
That men malivolent did much abound.
And these seditious Superstitious ones
Surprize him soon, and bring him to his groans.
Him on a woman Stoole did set in Scorn,
Choose Stephen Pope, and Strip him, thus forlorn,
Of his Pontifick robes, and his Defence
And acts, (and him too so we assert) go hence
Into the bur[n]ing fire, because they deem
Him Leo and the Long'bard's friende did seem.
In all this huff ining and outing sure
Patience is Exercised and shineth more.
Now Waldipert, and's faction in did slide


Philip, whom Gratios, and his, turnde aside.

And Stephen Tersh did now the Saddle stride,
Whose beauty turnd Pope Zachary aside:
(Warming his Sacred Chastity, untill
In th'Chamber of the Lateran Patr'arch, skill
Broke from his points, as fat as Sodoms trade.
Where he had Paul, and Sephen's Stallions made)
He to the throne ascends in blood, all dide
Church Minister but wares a Sword by's Side.
He playes the Smooth boots to the Kings of France
But boldly doth Condemn their Pipes and dance
Of Wedding with the Long'bards lest these tunes
Should them inchant to pluck the Popedoms Plumes
He Gloria in Excelsis institutes
On ev'ry Sabbath day be sung by mutes
Which are his Seven Weekly Cardinalls
Millain by's force now to the Popedom falls.


By bloody Arms did Bishop Michael kick
Out of Ravenna's Sacred Bishoprick.
Did Desiderius stripe by Pipin's hands
And made him to blesst Peter give his Lands.
Sedition mov'd, wagd war in pride untill
His plumes arrested fall under Death Bill.


Next Adrian did on the jades back jump.

The Clarks, and Flock his leg lift ore her rump.
Thus in the Saddle set doth ride, all finde,
Not with a Priest like, but a Princes Minde.
Salutes the Emperour and Emperess.
Did Charles with Letters fourty four address
By Power Clavicular he u'sd to bring
Kings and their Kingdoms truckling under him.
Thassilomus Duke of Bavaria
Would anathematize, if he delay
Obedience to Charles, the King of France
He Crusht the Long'bards by the gallick lance.
Bartha the Widdow too of Charlomain,
With Desidery King of Long'bards ta'en,


With Kingdom, Wife, and Children, gave did he

To Charles unto perpetuall Slaverie.
Unto this Charles he did translate in spite
Constantinople's Emperors own right.
Two Sons of Charles the Great annoints Kings, soon,


And also them Patricians made of Rome.

Made Charles the Greate Confirm by oath the Gift
His Father Pipin on the Church did lift.
Made Long'bards Spoletoes Reatines too
Crouch down to him. Made Hildeprand also
Duke of Spoleto. In the Churches he
Doth make things Splendid, Gold and Silver bee.
He overlaid Pauls Altar all with gold.
And made his Image of rich gold (its told)
Cups, Platters Vests and such like things he made
Of Silver, Gold, Gems, and Rich Stones inlaid.
But all his Pride and Cruelty's a blast.
Its quickly tumbld down to dust at last.


Next Leo Ters is mounted, whom they have

As any of them all as arch a knave.
He did Confirm Adulterated blood
(That from a piece of Crucified wood
Impostors did asser[t] did flow, to fix
Their Image worship by such jugling tricks
When calld to answer for the same) to bee
The very Blood of Christ (Blasphemous hee)
By his Authority, and bulls: and states
A Yearly holy day for't Consecrates
At Mantua its still ador'd: some say,
And plenty of it there reserv'd did stay.


Aloft he rides over the Church in pride
By no man to be judgd, yet's pleasd to ride
If possible, free from his Crime broacht forth
By purging of his headship by an Oath
His Headship constituteth Aquisgrane
Upon King Charles his Suite (Oh subtil brain)
The Royall Seate, and Head of France beyond
The Craggy, Alpine mountains up to stand.
His Lordship sitting on his Cushon spide
The Roman Senate treat to lay aside
That yoak so burdensom, that did them check
Of Grecian Emperors upon their neck.
His jeolous head began to beate lest hee
Should by this Project, ore projected bee,
Unto his griefe. His nimble brains do ring
To Subject Rome to th'Roman Pope, as King
And him a mighty bulwark to advance
By that most valient Arm, the King of France.
So France by him's made Emperor. (a Rope!)
And the Chief power imperiall's in the Pope.
This pritty Knack trips up the Emprour's heels
And picks the Senats brains out. Hence he wheels
His Legats unto Charles with Sacred Keyes
The Emblem of his Pontificiall pleaes.
And offers th'Banner of Rome's City, or


The Eagle the Imperiall Sign and fur.

Himself and Rome unto his Faith Comends.
And orders him his messengers to send
That by the Sacrament Confirm they might
The Romans to their Faith, and 'bedience right.
The Senat saw not this. He quickly slips
From Rome, with Senators two hundred, trips
To Charles at Bodabrune; they him invite
To Rome informing of him wrong or right.
The Worlds Head shall not quiet bee unless
Charles, Consull of th'Eternall City, dress,
And its perpetuall Tribun, do set free
Her from the Sorrows she is like to see.
For in a Woman there no Safeguard lies,
Which doth th'affairs of men thus enterprize
To Rome Charles highes at Peters Altar's set
Upon his Head the Crown Cesarean get
And deck him with Imperiall Robes he doth:
And him annoint with oyle so much it flow'th
Trickling From head to foot. The people shout
Let Life and Victory flow round about
To Charles Augustus made by God (they tune)
Him Great Pacifick Emperour of Rome.
Thus he translate the Empire did to France:
But kept its power himselfe, to make them dance.
But Adrians Kin, and Primicery and
Campule the Priests made Leo understand


When he was Celebrating Letonie
Walking without the walls on horse back by
Pancretia's Chappell with his Baal Crew,
For there they take him, off from's horse him threw
And strapt his sides: and thrust him also do
Into Erasmus Abby: thence let goe
He by Albine his Chamberlain ore th'Wall,
Was, and did high to Charles and shews him all.
Who honours him, and sent him home, he here
Did in a Synod by his Oath him cleare.
The Cause he was thus jearkt, is judgd to bee,
Because, the City, Senate, Empire he
Devised thus to overthrow by Charles.
Whereby he them in thralldom thus ensnarles.
And all this while Prides blossome in him do
To Patience's griefe, in florid Colours grow.
But soon his Straps do breake, his blossoms fall.
His pride kicks up its heells. And Death stains all.
Thus by these instances you easly finde
How Prelates ruffling sleeve stand huff'd with winde
Of Pride, and Haughtiness which struts their Eyes
To look o're Kings, and Princes Heads though wise.
And thrusts their Heads above the Stars, although
They dirty are as if they usd to go
Not on their feet, but on their Heads in mire
And so they do in that they this aspire.
But all the while March Wind on Patience blows
His nipping cold whitening her Web halfe froze.