University of Virginia Library


[Lord, what a feeble piece]


The following poem is scored for music in the source text.


Lord, what a feeble piece
Is this our mortal frame!
Our life, how poor a trifle 'tis,
That scarce deserves the name!


Alas! 'twas brittle clay
That built our body first!
And ev'ry month and ev'ry day
'Tis mould'ring back to dust.


Our moments fly apace,
Our feeble powers decay;
Swift as a flood our hasty days
Are sweeping us away.


Yet if our days must fly,
We'll keep their end in sight,
We'll spend them all in wisdom's ways,
And let them speed their flight.


They'll waft us sooner o'er
This life's tempestuous sea:
Soon shall we reach the peaceful shore,
Of blest eternity.