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Hide her not from mortal eye,
Sunshine lingers in her hair—
Who would wish the clod to lie
On a form so passing fair!
Life is glowing in the rose
On the oval of her cheek—
Those sweet eyes will yet unclose,
And those lips of coral speak.
Can it be that Death would leave
Such a matchless grace behind?
Could the tyrant thus deceive,
And a father's eye make blind!
Wake, my daughter! from thy sleep,
Or wild woe will craze my brain;
Wake, as was thy wont, and leap
Into these fond arms again.
No response to my appeal—
No awaking to my call;
Ah! that heart has ceased to feel—
Lay her in Death's sunless hall!
Let the beauteous shell decay
That a priceless germ encased,
Meet for Heaven's eternal day,
Not for earth's dark, dreary waste.