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Albemarle County in Virginia

giving some account of what it was by nature, of what it was made by man, and of some of the men who made it

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Benjamin Wheeler was one of the early patentees of land
within the present limits of Albemarle. In 1734 he obtained
the grant of six hundred acres on Mechunk, and in 1740 two
hundred on Moore's Creek. He conveyed three hundred
acres of his Mechunk land to Giles Allegre in 1748, and the
remainder in 1768 to his grandson Benjamin Burgher. In
1764 he conveyed his land on Moore's Creek to his son-in-law,
Micajah Spradling. His children were Benjamin, Micajah,
and the wives of Micajah Spradling and Manus Burgher.
Micajah married Susan, daughter of John Woodson, and died
about 1832. His children were John, Robert, who married
Frances, daughter of Callum Bailey, — the wife of John
Woodson, and Mary, the wife of Tucker Page.

Benjamin Dod Wheeler was contemporaneous with the first
Benjamin; whether he was the son of that name, is not
known. He became the owner of more than eight hundred
acres on the upper waters of Moore's Creek, the greater portion
of which he and his wife Ann sold to George Nicholas
in 1788. He appears then to have removed from the county.
A daughter Elizabeth became the wife of John Old Jr., in

Micajah Wheeler, probably a brother of the first Benjamin,
also bought land on Moore's Creek. He died in 1809. His
wife's name was Sarah, and his children were Joshua, John,
Micajah, Benjamin, Joel, Elizabeth, Sarah, the wife of Obadiah
Britt, and Ann, the wife of Hezekiah Collins. John in
1814 purchased from Stephen Hughes the mill now known as
Maury's, which he and his wife Ann sold in 1820 to John M.
Perry and Reuben Maury. Micajah married Mary Emerson,
bought in 1800 a parcel of land on Mechum's, west of Batesville,
which in 1815 he sold to Ralph Field, and died in 1836.
Benjamin also died in 1836. His children were Sarah, Susan,
the wife of a Holson, Mary, the wife of Overton Lowry, Mildred,
the wife of a Wood, and a son, who was the father of Bennett
and Joel. Joshua died in 1838. His wife's name was
Mary, and his children were John D., who died in 1844, Micajah,
who married Julia, daughter of Benjamin Martin, and


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died in 1841, Joshua N., who married Rebecca Pollock, and
died in 1858, Sarah, the wife of John Bailey, Eliza, the wife
of Goodrich Garland, Matilda, the wife of James Garland,
Elizabeth, the wife of John Martin, and James.