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O what shall I do,
What method pursue,
In safety to bring my young innocent through?


What a wonder of grace,
If he 'scapes one whole race,
Unspoil'd by indulgence, unpoison'd by praise!
'Tis mercy alone
Can assist him to run
Through a desert, when thousands are daily undone;
That mercy I claim
In Jesus's name,
And believe Him a Saviour for ever the same.
By mercy set free,
My Redeemer I see
As willing to save my poor infant as me:
If I trust Him, He must
Be true to His trust,
For to all that believe He is gracious and just.
I trust Him alone
For myself and my son,
That He will not forsake whom He takes for His own:
By grace reconciled,
I give Him my child;
And if Jesus preserve, he can never be spoil'd.