University of Virginia Library

May 9-15

Another old sermon from Mr. Edmonds. Bob Lewis comes home with us. We have a charming walk on the river bank after dinner. Aunt Sally has called her new baby after my mother, Lydia Laurie. I feel as if I could give her an extra share of my affection. On the l0th, Sue, Lizzie, Bob and Jim and I go to the University to hear Edward Everett make his speech on Washington. This is my second hearing and I would not object to a third. The interest is still high up in the church and the preaching continues. I might almost say the church added many members. Quite a number to be confirmed when the Bishop makes his annual visit. [On the] 12th Ellen takes her first ride. She is much reduced by her sickness. A letter from my friend, S.P. Williamson. I have a very bad cold, the commencement of my nose cold. On Saturday, the 15th, attend church. A sermon from Mr. Meade. Dinner with Sister Betty. See Brother Jim. He says things have got comfortably fixed in the kitchen. The old house has been pulled down. Brother Jim is very complaining.