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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalme. CXLVII.
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Psalme. CXLVII.

The Argument.

Thys psalme exciteth the Iewes: to prayse the Lord most chiefe:
So good to them: who priuatly: did worke them all reliefe.


Laudate Dominū.

Prayse ye the Lord alway: for good it is to sing,
To this our God: for sweete he is: whom laudes we ought to bring


God buildeth Hierusalem: he doth her sure protect:
The poore exiles: of Israell: he shall agayne collect.


He heald the brusde in hart: who wayle in sprite contrite,
Theyr plages and sores: he bindeth them vp. he cureth thē al ful light.



No dout God them beholdeth: who starres by number tels:
By proper name: he calth them all: he knowth theyr rests and cels.


The Lord of ours is greate: and great he is in power:
His knowledge is: all infynite: his name as strong as tower.


The Lord vpholdeth thafflict: So gentle is his will:
He throweth to ground: all wicked men: So mightye is his skill.


O sing to God our Lord: prayse ye his raygne abroade:
Confesse his power: hys will his skyll: In harpe sing ye to God:


Who clothe the heauen with cloudes: and raygne to earth prepares
He bringes forth gras: on hills to growe: to serue mans dayly cares.


Who geueth to beast theyr foode: to all both great and small:
The rauene her birds: he feedth in care: whan they forsaken call.


In barbed horse of strength: his pleasure standth not in:
In legs of men: in force of armes: it pleaseth not him to wynne.


They please who feare the Lord: by such he fyght with strength:
who trust all whole his gentlenesse: these only please at length:

Lauda Hierusalem.


O Thou Ierusalem: prayse hye the Lord of thyne:
Thou Sion mount: auaunce thy God: in hart therto encline


For he makth fast the barres: of all thy gates full prest:
He blissth euen so: thy childer al: in midst of thee to rest.


And he doth stablish peace: In all thy borders sure:
He feedth the full: deliciously: with wheate the flower most pure.



Who sendth his word on earth: and swiftly doth it renne:
Both rayne and wynd: his biddings heare: to serue the nede of men.


And snow he geueth like woll: the earth so warme to be:
The hory frosts: the mislyng dewes: as ashes scattreth he.


He castth abroade his yse: like morsels so congelde:
and his great cold: who can abyde: that he so hard hath seald.


He sendth his worde & will: he melt them all agayne:
He blowth the winde: then they anone: to waters flow most playne.


Yea he reuealeth his word: to Iacobs seede and stocke:
His statutes true: his iust decrees: to Israel his flocke.


He delt no time as thus: with other landes I say:
He shewed not them: his domes so playne: O prayse the Lord alwaye