University of Virginia Library



I have sinned.”—St. Luke xv. 21.

Here am I; send me.”—Isa. vi. 8.

I am the sinner—yes, and I
Do bow most humbly to my God;
O pass me not like Ephraim by,
When Mercy holds the judgment rod.
Better a thousand times the blame,
Than ever to deny my shame.
I am Thy servant—bid me go
And bind the yoke upon my back,
Earth will be Heaven itself below
Since Thou hast trodden first the track.
Ah, do not make the burden less,
But give me more Thy Righteousness.
I am the sufferer—let me take
The anguish which a brother hath,
That he may rest while I awake
And walk with Thee the Calvary path;
Though every sorrow fall on me,
Thy Presence sets the children free.
I am the one—to work or wait,
To bear the sentence brought by ill
And struggle through the portal strait,
To carry others or be still;
But if Thy blessing o'er me shine,
The pain or service—be it mine.