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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 160. The Godly Man's Soul restored.

A Godly Man may greatly fall,
But thou, Lord, wilt restore
His Soul again, and so he shall
Stand faster than before.
He under sin long shall not lye
Before he doth revive;
And whilst he's down his Soul doth cry,
And greatly does he strive
Against all sin, and it does hate,
And fain would he get clear
Of every sin and evil thing,
To shew he is sincere.
But wicked Men do make a trade
Of sinning ev'ry day,
Their hearts are carnal, and so hard,
Sins motions they obey;
And in them also it doth reign,
And they in it delight;
Hence under wrath they do remain,
Being odious in thy sight.


All praise to God, the Lord above,
We find it otherwise,
That sin we hate, and thee do love,
And thy sweet favour prize.
Good Men cannot contented be,
Unless restor'd again,
And thy most precious face do see,
And pardon do obtain.
All glory to thy gracious Name
We give to thee therefore,
And do resolve for to proclaim
Thy praise for evermore.