University of Virginia Library

Against wicked tonges.

O euyll tonges, which clap at euery winde:
Ye slea the quick, and eke the dead defame:
Those that liue well, som faute in them ye fynde.
Ye take no thought, in slaundring theyr good name.
Ye put iust men oft times to open shame.
Ye ryng so loude, ye sound vnto the skyes:
And yet in proofe ye sowe nothyng, but lyes.
Ye make great warre, where peace hath been of long,
Ye bring rich realmes to ruine, and decay.
Ye pluck down right: ye doe enhaunce the wrong.
Ye turne swete myrth to wo, and welaway
Of mischiefes all ye are the grounde, I say.
Happy is he, that liues on such a sort:
That nedes not feare such tonges of false report.