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While millions awaken to Freedom the chorus,
In wreathing for valor the blood-sprinkled bay,
The new brilliant era which opens before us,
Demands the rich tribute of gratitude's lay;
For ours is a boast unexampled in story,
Unequalled in splendor, unrivalled in grace,
A conquest that gains us a permanent glory,
The triumph of science o'er matter and space!
For realms that were dreary, are now smiling cheery,
Since Hudson and Erie like sisters embrace.
From heroes whose wisdom and chivalrous bearing
Secured us the rights which no power can repeal,
Have spirits descended as brilliantly daring,
To fix on the charter Eternity's seal.
Behold them consummate the giant conception,
Unwearied in honor's beneficent race,
While nature submits to the daring surreption,
And envy and ignorance shrink in disgrace.
For realms that were dreary, are now smiling cheery,
Since Hudson and Erie like sisters embrace.


The nymphs of our rivers, our lakes, and our fountains,
Are now by the monarch of ocean caressed;
While spurning the barriers of forests and mountains,
Bold Commerce enriches the wilds of the West.
Then hail to the sages, whose wisdom and labors
Conceived and perfected the brilliant design;
Converting the remotest strangers to neighbors,
By weaving a ligament nought can disjoin;
For regions once dreary, are now smiling cheery,
Since Hudson and Erie like their waters combine.
And long, thus devoted to festival pleasure,
This day shall be sacred to genius and worth,
For millions unborn shall rejoice at a measure,
Which renders our country the pride of the earth.
No sectional feelings now mar our communion,
Affection and interest are reckless of space,
The national good is the bond of our union,
Which ages shall brighten but never deface.
For realms that were dreary, are now smiling cheery,
Since Hudson and Erie like sisters embrace.