From diary of April 22nd, 1907.
A blackmailer named H — — called, with photos of
atrocities and letters and films. He wanted 30 Pounds for the
lot. I gave him 3 Pounds for three photos. One letter he
showed me signed Bullinger, an Englishman, said he had put the
fear of God in their hearts by sticking up the chief's head on
a pole, and saying, "Now, make rubber, "or you will look like
that. Went to lunch with Pearson but it was the wrong day,
and so missed getting a free feed. Thinking he would turn up,
I ordered a most expensive lunch. I paid for it. Evening
went Patience, which liked immensely and then Duchess of
Sutherland's party to Premiers. Saw Churchill and each
explained his share of the Real Soldiers row.