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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 159.

['Tis thou, O Lord, who dost restore]

Psal. 23. 3. The Sinners Soul restored.

'Tis thou, O Lord, who dost restore
Our Souls which went astray,
And had been lost for evermore
Hadst thou not found a way
For to recover us again,
By sending of thy Son;
Under thy wrath we should have lain,
And ever been undone.
Our sin and sickness was so sore,
Nothing could do us good;
Nor life unto our Souls restore,
But the Physicians Blood.
Our case was sad, woful indeed,
If it we did but know;
Thou therefore sentst thy Son to bleed,
Such bowels didst thou show,
That he for us, and in our stead
Thy dreadful wrath did bear,
That of his Flesh our Souls might feed,
Lost strength for to repair.


Therefore we sing, Lord, unto thee,
And well indeed may they
Who by thy Grace now quickned be,
And set in the right way
Unto eternal happiness,
Whose Souls thou dost restore;
They all praise thee, Lord, more or less,
And shall for evermore.