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Argalvs and Parthenia

Written by Fra: Quarles

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Who euer saw th'illustrious eye of noone
(New broken from a gloomy cloud) send downe
His earth reioycing glory, and display


His golden beames vpon the sonnes of Day:
Euen so, the Helmet being gone, a faire
And costly treasure of vnbraided haire
O'respred the shoulders of the vanquisht Knight,
Whose, now discouer'd visage (in despight
Of neighb'ring death) did witnesse and proclaime
A soueraigne beautie in Parthenia's name,
And she it was indeed; see how she lies
Smiling on death, as if her blessed eyes
(Blest in their best desires) had espied
His face already, for whose sake she died.
The Lillies, and the Roses (that while e're
Stroue in her Cheekes, till they compounded there)
Haue broke their truce, and freshly falne to blows;
Behold; the Lilly hath o'recome the Rose.
Her Alablaster neck (that did outgoe
The Doues in whitenesse; or the new falne snow)
Was stain'd with blood, as if the red did seeke
Protection there, being banisht from her cheeke:
So full of sweetnesse was her dying face,
That death had not the power to displace
Her natiue beautie; onely by translation,
Moulded, and cloath'd it in a newer fashion.