University of Virginia Library


Within a sad, deserted house
I passed an hour of gloom;
Behind the wainscot crawled the mouse—
The bat was in the room:
What heard I in that dreary house?
The sweet, low spirit-voice of one
Called early to the tomb.
That voice was thine, my daughter dear!
It came my heart to thrill,
And, like an ocean-shell, mine ear
Retains the music still;
She said: “Be joyous, father dear!
Unclouded morn will break at last
Upon a night of ill.”
And I will rend the bonds that hold
In thrall my higher powers,
As broke the mighty man of old
Green withes, like chains of flowers;
Though hearts that should have loved are cold,
And eyes flash scorn that should have beamed
Like sunshine after showers.