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Han shih wai chuan

Han Ying's Illustrations of the didactic application of the Classic of songs
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Duke Huan of Ch`i, wishing to see the Hsiao-ch`ên [Chi],[2] thrice
went to him without being granted an interview. His attendants
said, "The office of hsiao-ch`ên is the lowest in the state. Having
thrice gone to him without being granted an interview, Your
Highness may properly desist."

Duke Huan said, "Alas, what sort of talk is this? I have heard
that a gentleman in cotton clothes who does not desire riches and
honor will stand on his dignity toward the ruler of [a state of]
ten thousand chariots, and that the ruler of [a state of] ten


thousand chariots who does not love jên and i will stand on his
dignity toward a cotton-clothed gentleman. It is all right if our
master[3] does not desire riches and honor, but for me not to love
jên and i is not all right." When he went for the fifth time, he was
granted an interview.

On hearing of this the feudal lords of the empire said, "If
Duke Huan condescends even to a cotton-clothed gentleman, how
much the more can a prince of the realm expect!" And they led
one another to his court; there were none who did not come. Such
were the means whereby Duke Huan assembled the feudal lords
and by which he united and rectified the empire.[4]

The Ode says,[5]

To an upright virtuous conduct,
All in the four quarters of the State render obedient homage.

HFT 15.5a records this incident without developing it. LSCC 15.9a-b seems to be
the immediate source for HSWC, but is more closely followed by Hsin hsü 5.4a-b,
which however copies the conclusion (beginning with "On hearing of this the feudal
lords . . .") from HSWC, including the quotation from the Shih. The same idea is
expressed in HSWC 9/21.


After [OMITTED] the parallel texts all have [OMITTED]. (Chou, CHy.)


[OMITTED]: i.e., Chi.


Cf. Analects 282 (14/17.2), "Duke Huan assembled all the princes together, and
that not with weapons of war and chariots."


Shih 511 No. 256/2.