University of Virginia Library

Psalme. CXLV.

The Argument.

Thys Dauyd framde: by Alphabete,
Where God he thākth (in hart) most hie
Whose power & might: whose grace so great,
In prouidence (most cleare) we spy.



Arise I will: my God and king,
to rouse my grace (wt tōg) most hie
and blesse thy name: to me bening
I will (and shall) eternally.



Both day and night: I will declame,
thy (worthy) laudes most thankfully:
By praysing due: thy holy name,
for aye (and aye) without delayes.


Clere is this Lord: most hye of fame,
his state surmounth: all (mortal) prayse:
Can no man search: how he excell,
in greatnes hym (by weight) to paise.


Describe to age: shall age full well,
thy (handy) workes: with reuerence,
Declare they must: where that they dwel,
thy (godly) mightes: magnificence.


Enhaunce I shall: thy glory bright,
thy fame (and name) thine excellence:
Enditing still: thine actes of might,
so wonderfull (that be) to see.


For that that man: may speake & wright,
thy (princely) dedes. that dreadfull bee:
From hence euen so: I will resound,
thy (godheds) grand abilitie.


Good men shall preach: how grace abound
in thee (O Lord) with gentlenes:
Glad songes to sing: they will in sound,
of thy great (truth and) bounteousnes.


How good the Lord: how gracious,
he is to all in (paynefull) stresse:
How slow to wrath: not furious,
his mercy ruleth (and stayth) his ire.



In loue he is: most piteous,
to all that him (therof) require:
Imprinted be: his mercies sure,
on all his workes (all whole) intiere.


Know this will euery creature,
with thankes (most due) O Lord to thee
Kynd harted men: will them inure,
(in hart) to blesse thy maiestie.


Loude will they speake: thy regall seat,
most glorious (at eye) to see:
Lord, so shall men: be glad to treate,
thy power (deuine) so tried by deede.


Men thus will still: thy strength repeate,
to Adams stocke: and (liuing) seede:
Most wide they will: with kinde assent,
thy kingdomes (laud: and) glory sprede.


No dout the reigne: is permanent,
a reigne (of blisse) to stand for aye:
Nedes must thy power: and regiment,
endure (in length) from day to day.


O sure in worde: the Lord is tryed,
most faithfull true (and iust) alway:
On all his workes: his will is spyed,
most holy (God all) them to saue.


Poore wauering men: the Lord bestrideth
their stay (and hold) by him to haue:
Playne faln or wrongd: he reiseth againe,
if they their reyse (in faith) can craue.



Quicke eyes all thing: doth fastly straine,
on thee (O Lord) so good at neede:
Quite all their foode: they aske so fayne
in tyme (most fit) thou geuest in deede.


Right wide thou splaist: thy blessing hand,
all liuing things (wyth store) to feede:
Refresht by thee: so full to stand,
with plenty (fed in) foode delight.


Still iust appearth: this Lord so grand,
in all his wayes (to man) aright:
So wholy he: doth aye appeare,
in all his workes of (his great) might.


The Lord to all: approcheth nere,
to him (for helpe) which make request,
To all I say: soone them to heare,
which call (on him) with faithfull brest.


With ready speede: he filleth their mynd,
who feare hym (iust both) most and lest:
Unto their cry: he bendth so kynd,
and saueth them (whole) as him (it) likth


Exceding sure: before behynde,
the Lord hys louers (frendly) keepth:
Exile he doth: vngodly men,
to scatter them (most wide) he seekth.


Yelde shall my lipps: by duetye then,
this Lords deserued: (laud and) prayse
Yea let all flesh: geue thankes agayn,
to his good name (most due) alwayes.