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They day rest out. Come set át length of Sun;
When evening star is seen; and flitter mice
Wing devious forth; sally elves' chief estates,
To Council. High-born wights on Albans turf;
They sit in circuit neath fair linden sweet.
The hornéd Moon, in sight appearing soon;
All Her, with laughing tears and leaping hearts,
In blithe and merry mood, salute again;
And sounds melodious chant of faerie throats.
Sith, in this Néw Land, without let or lin;
With one consent they all choose Oberon, King.
Word-wise, great-hearted and alert as bird;
A Prince is he, amongst them, óf mild mood.


His memory of lore likewise, a treasury was;
Of many generations of fayfolk.
Helmbright, great duke of dwarves and hammermen,
(Whose stithy is sith in chine of South-West rocks;
For workmanship renowned of gilded bronze;)
His Sisters son, first troth plights tó Dan Oberon.
The like do all the rest. Concluded was,
That should henceforth be this in Island Alban;
New Faery Plain, and fayfolks' trysting-place.
Princes strike hands, consenting all to this:
Fay People it ratify, with ten thousand throats.
Elf-king and councillors after that appoint
Wakerobin, reeve, and Horn, chief magistrate;
Elves of much worship both and blameless life;
With Melilot, recorder; and mighty-voiced
Tall Hazelwood, herald; mongst all of chief weight,
And great estate.
Their session ended thus,
And gone up Hazelwood to an hillocks height;
He, twixt his palms, cries, Signify, People of Sprites,
Your free assent, tó this High Covenant


In holding up your hands. With haughty looks,
Smiting his staff to ground then at each pace;
With stalking steps and crying, All Heed! Give place.
He, with grave councillors, leads King Oberon forth:
Whose royal forehead, crowned have gentle maids;
With flowers, their hands have pluckt, of Albions mead.
And faeries all drop curtseys on green grass.
Follow elf-champions, with stern martial tread;
Thickets of bended bows and gilt-head spears.
Then Helmbrights leather-aproned berg-folk pass;
With shouldered sledges, hardy of countenance;
And mighty of brawns, in battailous array.