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The Prisoner of Love

By F. W. Orde Ward (F. Harald Wiliams)

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With joy shall ye draw water out of the wells or salvation.”—Isa. xii. 3.

O it were sin and utter sin
Here at the seat we summer in,
Where roses laugh so redly;
To let the life unheeded spin,
And only mark the deadly.
Why should we make the meaner choice,
And not like winds and waves rejoice?
For at the heart of Nature dwells
Gladness, with all those spirit spells
Which heal the sores of sorrow;
And in the woods and bubbling wells,
Grief only comes to-morrow.
Why do our lips not echo mirth,
Which clasps the ages in its girth?
O it is wrong and bitter wrong
When pleasure bids the weak be strong,
To fashion pain as fetter;
And not to hear the secret song,
Beneath the iron letter.
Why do we put on garments grey,
When every world is so at play?