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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 158. The joyful Sound.

Who hath or doth, O Lord, believe
Th'Report which thou hast given?
Many will hear, but few receive
Th'joyful News from Heaven.
The joyful Sound that's spread abroad
There's few which it do mind;
For though they have it often heard,
Yet not with hearts inclin'd
To that which is most truly good
They have no mind at all
But contrar'wise despise thy Word,
And do contemn thy Call:
But unto some thou dost make known
Thy glorious power divine;
And these are they that thou dost own,
And callest also thine.


They do believe, and also fear;
They love and do obey:
They cleave to thee, and are sincere,
And follow thee alway.
And them dost thou with Blessings crown,
They sing to thee therefore;
And hence it is thou dost them own,
And wilt for evermore.