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The history of The Old Testament In verse

With One Hundred and Eighty sculptures: In Two Volumes. Vol. I. From the Creation to the Revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David. Vol. II. From that Revolt to the End of the Prophets. Written by Samuel Wesley ... The Cuts done by J. Sturt

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CXLVI. 2 Samuel, Chap. VI. and 1 Chron. Chap XV.
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CXLVI. 2 Samuel, Chap. VI. and 1 Chron. Chap XV.

David prepares to bring the Ark to Sion. Uzzah smitten. Obed-Edom bless'd. The Ark carry'd by the Levites. Michal's Barrenness.

Rever'd and lov'd at home, abroad renoun'd,
Cover'd with Laurels, and with Conquest crown'd,
Jessides sat, while to his working Thought,
Or Fate, or Choice, the dear Remembrance brought
Of God's bless'd Ark, which long, a Pilgrim grown,
Had sojourn'd in a Dwelling not his own:
Its Heart no Ease, no Rest his Eye-lids found,
Till for its Seat he mark'd the destin'd Ground;
Fair Sion's Holy Hill the bless'd abode,
And peaceful Mansion for the Ark of God:
The Flow'r of all the Tribes conven'd attend,
Three Myriads they their Course to Gibeah bend;
And from thy House, Aminadab! they bear
The sacred Pledge with inauspicious Care:
Two Sons, their aged Father's Hopes and Pride,
The Carriage, and the bellowing Oxen guide;
On Lutes and Harps the long Procession play,
And David led the Quire, and led the way:
But soon their Pomp to silent Sorrow turn'd,
And David griev'd, and all th'Assembly mourn'd:


The weari'd Oxen stumbled in the Road,
At Nachon's Floor, and shook their precious Load:
Bold Uzzah saw, nor longer cou'd refrain,
But touch'd the sacred Ark with Hands profane:
Nor this th'offended Pow'r, whose Laws he broke,
His Rashness punish'd with a mortal Stroke;
He drop'd to Earth and with a Groan expir'd,
The trembling Monarch from the Place retir'd;
Which Uzzah's Name to distant Ages bore;
The trembling Monarch dares attempt no more;
The dreadful Ark upon the Road he leaves,
Which Obed-Edom's House with Joy receives:
Three wexing Moons it with the Gittite staid,
Whose hospitable Kindness not unpaid;
With all his Houshold bless'd; when David heard
Resuming Courage, he agen prepar'd
With Joy to bring it thence, but warn'd before
The Levites now the sacred Symbols bore:
Asaph and Ethan with sweet Heman joyn,
To praise the Goodness and the Pow'r divine;
And strongly these the vocal Brass inspire,
These joyn their Voices to the tuneful Lyre,
The Monarch guides the Dance and guides the Quire,
With all his active Strength he play'd and sung,
While Sion's Walls with Hallelujah's rung:
This Michal saw, averse, with haughty Eyes,
And in her Heart his meaness did despise;
Nor wanted words sarcastic and profane,
Which not forgot, nor unreveng'd remain;
Accurs'd with Barrenness, she ne're cou'd claim,
Till Death had clos'd her Eyes, a Mother's joyful Name.