University of Virginia Library

Mardiva fair, glancing next Morn below
On Garden-plot (from her new Lodging so
Balcone joyn'd) She was that time beheld
By brave young Man, whose Person, Garb excell'd;
And he by her; tho strait her self withdrew
Behind that Glazed Screen from further view.
Yet so observ'd, he prov'd Enamoured thence,
Face, Body's form, conjoyned Excellence.
It was a Young, Corinthian Lord, lodg'd there,
Of gallant Parts, Estate did grand appear.
Who ranging far, set down for Travels cloze
Th' Arcadian Realm; from whence for Corinth goes,
His Native Soil; Vendormes call'd by name,
These things Delphine heard, receiv'd the same
From's Country-man that brought him first well try'd,
Her long-known Merchant friend; lodg'd there beside.