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[Seint Thomas þe gode apostle ]
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[Seint Thomas þe gode apostle ]

Seint Thomas þe gode apostle ymartrid was in Ynde
Of his lyf we mote rede as we doþ in boke fynde
Þe while oure Louerd an vrþe was wiþ him he wende aboute
Me clipede him siþþe a tuo name Thomas longe in doute
For þo oure Louerd fram deþe aros in doute þerof he was
Þapostles leouede hit wel alle bote seint Thomas
Ac he seide he nolde ileoue bote he seȝe his wounde


& he felde & pulte his fynger þerinne to þe grounde
For his misbileoue me him clipede Thomas longe in doute
As me redeþ in Holi Churche whan his dai comeþ aboute
Siþþe com oure Louerd Crist mid his wounden al ablode
To him & to his oþere disciples as hi togadere stode
Thomas he seide hider þi fynger & pult her in mi side
& nebeo þu noȝt misbileoued for mi wonden þu sixt wide
Þo leouede he wel þat he hit was & also euermore
Mi Louerd he seide & mi God ich bidde þe milce & ore
Þo þat he þat soþe iseȝ of oure Louerd he prechede faste
& his name & Cristendom þe while his lyf ilaste
Hit biful longe after þe tyme þat oure Louerd to heuene wende
Þat Gundofre þe kyng of Ynde wide alonde sende
If me miȝte eni carpenter fynde noble & sleȝ
In eni londe þat couþe arere a paleys noble & heȝ
In þe lond of Sceȝare seint Thomas was þo
Oure Louerd aliȝte þer adoun & aȝen him com go
Thomas he seide þe kyng of Ynde haþ isend her neȝ
To siche after a carpenter þat were queynte & sleȝ
Com wiþ me & ich wole þider to him þe sende
Louerd merci quaþ þis oþer y nerecche whoder ich wende
Bote þat y necome in Ynde þerof me doþ agrise
Send me elles whoder þu wolt & þider in none wise
Þu schalt þider quaþ oure Louerd & ich wole wiþ þe
& whan þu þurf prechinge þat lond hast iturnd to me
Þer þu schalt ymartrid beo & þanne to me wende
Go we to þis messager forþ ich wole þe sende
Hi come & fonde þe messager þat brouȝte hem þis teoþinge
As he com furst vp of þe see amidde þe chepinge
Aban he was ihote oure Louerd sone he mette
& eschte what he souȝte þer & wel faire him grette
Mi louerd Gundofre quaþ Aban þat is kyng of Ynde
Sende me hider if ich miȝte a queynte carpenter fynde


Þat ich hou ich on toke in alle manere him brouȝte
& wiþ catel if he were þral of his louerd him bouȝte
Oþer ich if he freo man were hurede him deore ynouȝ
& forto do sumwhar mi neode hiderward ich drouȝ
Ich haue a man quaþ oure Louerd þat riȝt myn owe man is
Þat whan ich him ofte aboute sende he wircheþ wel iwis
& doþ his mester swiþ wel whoder he euere wende
& euere þat he biȝut he bringeþ me oþer doþ me sende
For queyntere bold he can make þan euere in Ynde were
Ne such man nis in Ynde non þat such bold couþe arere
For myn owe man ich take him þe þat he wiþ þe wende
& ȝe him whan he haþ ido wiþ honur aȝen him sende
Oure Louerd bitok seint Thomas Aban bi þe honde
& vpe þe foreward ymaked he ladde him to his londe
Me þinȝþ he auȝte wirche wel for his borȝ was god ynouȝ
If he makede breke his borȝhod me þinȝ hit were wouȝ
Aban of þis foreward glad & bliþe was
Into þe schip he wende anon mid þe gode man seint Thomas
Sone he eschte seint Thomas as hi bi þe see wende
Whar he purliche his man were þat him þider sende
If ich nadde quaþ seint Thomas purliche his man ibeo
His manrede ich wolde habbe forsake þo he me toc to þe
Sai me þanne quaþ Aban what is þi seruise
Wherof þu seruest þe heȝe man þat ȝe beoþ so wise
Carpenter quaþ [þis] oþer ich am queynte & sleȝ
Paley[s] and bold ich can rere suyþe noble & heȝ
Strong & liȝt & swiþ fair wiþoute & wiþinne
Þat noman nemai hit fille adoun mid strenȝþe ne mid ginne
Ne tempest ne wynd so strong þat hit mowe greue oȝt


So queynte bold nas neuere non to no prince iwroȝt
A dieu merci quaþ þis Aban þat þi louerd gret man is
Þat so queynte man haþ vnder him ynot no such iwis
Heȝ man he is quaþ seint Thomas & heȝ manes sone
Vp an heȝ hul his woning is & þer he wole euere wone
Þer he halþ his heritage & his fader kynedom anheȝ
Þer nis non of fon so strong þat him mowe come neȝ
Sik man ne pore nis þer non so riche þe lond is
So riche lond nas neuere iseȝe of such solaȝ ne blis
Tellinge hi wende forþ so þat þurf gode wynde
Þe soueþe dai hi come alond wel a þis half Ynde
Hi aryuede in an heȝ cite þeras a kyng lay
Þat let weddi to an heȝ man his douȝter þulke day
At þis brudale was ioye ynou song & gret hoppinge
Tabours fithele & sinfonye & murȝþe þurf alle þinge
Seint Thomas & þis Aban wende to þe feste
As ofte menye doþ wiþoute bede & heste
A gleo man song atte mete as hit riȝt was
As he song vp & doun he bihuld seint Thomas
Him þoȝte he was a Cristene man to paye him he gan singe
Cristene men habbeþ o God þurf alle þinge
Þo seint Thomas ihurde þis he bad him singe eftsone
Þis gleoman song vþ & doun & dude Thomas bone
Þe botille[r] chidde wiþ seint Thomas for he bad him singe more
A buffet he smot him vnder þe ere þat him smurte sore
Inele noȝt arise quaþ seint Thomas hunne fram mi fere
Er an hound bringe þulke hond bifore ous alle here
Þo þat folc hadde neȝ iȝete þe botiller wende sone
To a welle out to fecche water as he was woned to done
Þo he out to þe welle com a lioun þer com gon


& hente þe botiller bi þe þrote & astranglede him anon
& todrouȝ ech lyme fram oþer an hound þer com bi cas
& kipte þe hond in his mouþ þat he smot wiþ seint Thomas
& bar hit in bifore þat folc & bifore þe kinge
Þer nas non þat hit iseȝ þat newondrede of þe þinge
Hi seide þis is an holi man þat God doþ for such dede
Bi þe botiller hit is icome riȝt as he him sede
Þe king let clipie bifore him seint Thomas anon
& seide þu ert an holi man þat þus þe wrekest of þi fon
Þu schalt mid me to mi douȝter into chambre wende
& blesci hire & hire spouse þat hi habbe þe betere ende
Seint Thomas gan wiþ þe kinge into chambre gon
Þe ȝunge brude & hire spouse aȝen come anon
Seint Thomas his holi hond vpe here heuedes leide
& blescede hem a Godes name & his oreisoun seide
He nom his leue & wende aȝe & þis ȝunge spouse
Lad him forþ & þonkede him þat he com into here house
A ȝerd of palm com in his hond he nuste whannes hit com
As he ladde seint Thomas wel gladliche he hit nom
Þe ȝerd was ful of dates waxinge as þeȝ hi were
Gret wonder & ioye hi hadde of þis ioye þere
Þis ȝunge man bar his ȝunge wyf þat frut fair & swete
Of þe frut hi nome boþe & gladliche þerof ete
Þo hi hadde þerof yȝete hi nemiȝte forgon
Ac here aiþer lai bi oþer adoun & fulle aslepe anon
Me beddede hem so softe as me miȝte & palles vpe hem caste
& wende alle out bote hem silue & þe dores makede faste
As hi leye boþe & slepe a fair kyng to hem com
& bituene hem stod in fair abyt & in his armes hem nom
Mi leoue childrene he seide myn apostle þat was her
Blescede ȝou for ȝe scholde of heuene beo partiner


Doþ after him & ȝe schullen beo þer wiþouten ende
Stille he let hem slepe & softe gan aȝe wende
Þo hi awoke hi leye & tolde hou hit miȝte beo
Ac hi necouþe for noþing insiȝt þerof iseo
As hi leye & herof tolde seint Thomas to hem wende
Þe kyng he seide þat spac mid ȝou hider to ȝou me sende
Þe dores & þe ȝates beoþ ymaked in he me haþ ibroȝt
If ȝe wolleþ þe ioye afonge [] þat he ȝou haþ iwroȝt
& his blescing þat ich ȝou ȝaf þurf me wite also
In þe ioye wiþouten ende in heuene he wole ȝou do
For ȝe habbeþ ȝut ȝoure maidenhod þat of ech godnisse is quene
Þat neuere ne wanteþ tofore God ac euere is briȝt & schene
Þis ȝunge þinges fulle adoun bifore seint Thomas akneo
& cride on hem þat he hem taȝte hou hit of oure Louerd beo
[Seint Thomas hem tolde anon hou it of oure Lord is]
& brouȝte hem boþe to Cristendom & þe kyng & alle his
On of his disciples siþþe he nom þat ihote was Dionis
& makede him maister of þat folc þat hi nedude noȝt amis
Þis Dionis he maked preost & let him churche arere
Þat folc com þider eche dai & hurde seruise þere
Þo þat lond was ibroȝt in god stat ynouȝ
Seint Thomas his leue nom & toward Ynde drouȝ
Anon so Aban miȝte seint Thomas to Ynde bringe
Wiþ gret ioye he ladde him forþ & brouȝte bifore þe kynge
To a fair place þe kyng him ladde & eschte him in alle wise
If he couþe such bold arere as he couþe deuise
Seint Thomas bihuld þis place sire he seide ȝe
So fair bold nis in al þis lond as y can rere þe
A perche he nom & met aboute as ech hous scholde beo


Sire he seide mi deuys þu schalt sone iseo
Þe halle ich wole furst arere in þis place in eche wise
Estward þe dore & þe porche as þe sonne doþ arise
Þat þe sonne as sone as heo aryst atte dore in schold shine
Herȝund ich wole þe chambre habbe ymete bi myne lyne
Herȝund ich wole þe kychene habbe þe condut þerbiside
He diuisede al euene ynouȝ & long ynou & wide
So noble bold nemiȝte beo as he gan þer deuise
Þe kyng of his sotylte gan sumdel agrise
Certes he seide ich ȝyue þe pris for þe beste carpenter
& queynteste þat ich euer iseȝ & best deuisest her
He tok him gareisoun ynouȝ such bold to arere
& wende him silf out of þe lond þat tuo ȝer he necom þere
Seint Thomas þis tresour nom & wide wende alonde
& moche folc brouȝte to Cristendom þurf oure Louerdes sonde
Churchen he rerde menyon & preostes he sette þere
Such bold noble & queynte hit was þat he wolde þe king arere
Þe þridde ȝer þe kyng cam hom & wende al ȝare fynde
His bold as he hit hadde bispeke þo was hit al bihynde
After seint Thomas he sende þat bitrayde him so he sede
Sone me tolde him hou hit was & al of his dede
Þe kyng him let nyme anon & into strong prisoun do
& Aban þat him þuder broȝte me dude bi him also
& swor his oþ þat hi scholde al quik ihuld beo
& ibrend al to douste & siþþe awei fleo
Þe kinges broþer þat het Gaad al atte deþe lai
Þe king forȝat al seint Thomas for deol þat he sai
He het his men him witie wel & his felawes also
Forte his broþer betere were þat he miȝte here dom do
So þat his broþer deide sone þe king makede deol ynouȝ
He let him greiþi faire mid alle & elles hit were wouȝ


Four dayes he huld him inne þat he agreiþed were
In porpre & cheisil & ȝymmes þat no defaute nere
Þo he was nobliche agreiþed þe furde dai hi him nome
& wiþ heȝe men meni on to his burynge come
As hi wolde þis heȝe man in his putte do
Wiþ gret noblei & prute ynouȝ & wiþ wop & sor also
He aros vp fram deþe to lyue among hem echone
Þo makeden hi boþe ioye & blis þat luste er bet to grone
Broþer he seide þo he aros þu dost an vuel dede
Þat seint Thomas þe holi man to prisoun letest lede
For mid God of heuene he is wel & þurf him ich am nou
To lyue ibroȝt as ȝe seoþ ich wole ȝou telle hou
Þo ich was ded angles come & mi soule bere
& schewede me þe ioye of heuene þeȝ ich vnworþi were
Þat noble bold hi schewede me ek þat seint Thomas let rere
Of tresour þat þu him bitoke God ȝyue ich were þere
Imaked hit is al as he þe seide & noblikere if hit may
Of ȝymes & stones preciouse noblere neuere y nesay
Lo seide to me þangel þo sixtou þis noble bold
Þis haþ seint Thomas arerd of þe siluer & of þe gold
Þat þi broþer him bitok elleswhar to bigynne
Ac þi broþer vnworþi is to come ȝut her ynne
Louerd seide ich þo þat hit ȝoure wille were
Þat ich moste her porter beo for no betere worþ ynere
We schulleþ quaþ þangles þo oure Louerd for þe bisiche
Þat þi soule wende to vrþe aȝe þi lyf forto eche
Forto libbe an vrþe more to don al þi wille
Ac beo seint Thomas of prisoun ibroȝt ich rede þat ȝe him ne spille
Þo he hadde þis tale itold he orn to seint Thomas
& ful to his fet & þonkede him as he in prisoun was
& tolde him al hou hit was & bad him ȝurne also
To forȝyue his broþer þe king þat he him hadde misdo
Þe king þo com vrne also & bad him milce & ore
To forȝyue him his trepas & he nolde nomore


Hi brouȝte him sone of prisoun wiþ ioye & blisse ynouȝ
Þat folc onurede him as a god & þicke aboute him drouȝ
Moche haþ oure Louerd quaþ seint Thomas for ȝou alle ido
Þat schewede ȝou his priueite whan ȝe nebeoþ worþi þerto
Þe paleys is noble & riche ynouȝ þat ich habbe iwroȝt
Mid þe tresour þat þe king me tok to ende hit is ibroȝt
Ech man þat wole do after me þider he schal wende
Louerd & prince forto beo euere wiþouten ende
Ȝe mo[we] wende into al þat lond & iseo al aboute
Ech contray ful of churchen þerfore ȝe mowe beo proute
Sire kyng alle hi beoþ arerd wiþ þat þu me bitoke
If þu nelt ileoue me wend aboute & loke
Þe king & al þat oþer folc þat þikke aboute him com
Hi leouede on God for þis miracle & turnde to Cristendom
Fourtene þousend men to oure Louerd turnde þere
Wiþoute children & wimmen þat meni also were
Seint Thomas hem tauȝte þe riȝte lawe & þerof makede hem wise
At eche churche he sette a preost to do Godes seruise
Þo hi were alle in god poynt his leue faire he nom
& wende forþ in to þe lond & prechede Cristendom
In anoþer contrai he com þer he stinte a stounde
He pulte him forþ baldeliche & prechede al to grounde
Deue & dumbe & oþere ek in siknisse ibounde
He helde anon þurf Godes grace whan he eni founde
Such miracle as he dude þurf oure Louerdes sonde
Nas neuere among hem iseȝe in none stede of þe londe
Þe cri sprong of him wel wide meni iourneyes þanne
Þat God was þer in Ynde icome in forme of a manne
He was man gladdest þat miȝte þider wende
To habbe enes a siȝt of him aboute in eche ende
Þe presse com aboute him þicke of þe contray fur & neȝ


& huld him [God] in manes forme ech þat him iseȝ
Þe riche men þat þer were neȝ a riche croune wrouȝte
Of gold & ȝymmes swiþe riche & to þis holi man brouȝte
Ech maner cloþing þat kyng werie scholde
To cloþi him as a king & crouny him wiþ golde
Gret tresour hi brouȝte him ek if he hit werie wolde
Seint Thomas stod & bihuld þerof noþing he nolde
Ȝe leoueþ he seide mi leoue freond þat ich beo þat ynam noȝt
Inam no kyng such þing to afonge as ȝe me habbeþ ibroȝt
Inam noȝt God as summe weneþ ac ich am his hyne
& he me haþ hider isend to schulde ȝou fram helle pyne
To teche ȝou forsake þe false godes þat nemowe ȝou helpe noȝt
& bileoue on ȝoure riȝte God þat ȝou haþ iwroȝt
Bileoueþ on him ich ȝou rede & ȝe schulle to ioye wende
Þe tresour þat ȝeo beodeþ me pore men ȝe sende
Sike men þer come þicke aboute in eche side
Blynde dombe & oþere ek here hele to abide
Seint Thomas alle þe sike men brouȝte in one place
& among hem sat adoun akneo & bad oure Louerdes grace
Þat he cudde his miȝte in þe place & here hele sende þere
Þat þe folc þat soþe iseȝe þat he almiȝti God were
Þo he hadde oure Louerd þus ibede among hem alle þer com
So gret liȝtinge & schyninge þat here siȝt almest hit bynom
Furst hit ouerspradde seint Thomas þer he lai in his bede
& al þat folc ful adoun riȝt þer in þe stede
& leye in þe place alle to grounde þe mountance of half a tide


Þe while þis grete liȝt ilaste ech bi oþeres side
Þo þat liȝt ipassed was þat ech miȝte oþer iseo
Alle hi rise hole & sounde hollere nemiȝte non beo
Þer was ioye & blisse ynou þer nemiȝte beo nomore
Hi onurede seint Thomas & cride him milce & ore
Þer turnde neoȝe þousend men & ibaptised were
Wiþoute childrene & wimmen þurf þis miracle þere
Þe cri was þo þerof so moche þat al þat lond wel wide
Þerof me spac & þider orn aboute in eche side
Karrik het þe kinges mei þat of þulke londe was
Migdonie het his wyf þat oure Louerd ȝaf fair cas
For Migdonie þis gode wyf to a womman com
Þat heo kneu er & was þo iturnd to Cristendom
Þat hadde six ȝer ibeo blynd & siȝt hadde þo
Leoue soster quaþ Migdonie hou is hit of þe ago
Þat þu hast so longe blynd ibeo & nou ert iheled so
What is þulke wise man þat such miȝte mai do
Certes dame quaþ þis oþer þe nobleste man hit is
Þat among men euere an vrþe com wiþoute God silf iwis
For of siknisse he doþ al his wille he nefailleþ neuere
Haddestou him enes iseȝe þe gladdere þu woldest beo euere
Dieu merci quaþ þis gode wyf hou mai ich on take
Þat ynadde iseȝe þis holi man þat such wonder can make
Wel þu schalt do quaþ þis oþer for to morwe as he sede
He wole prechi al þat folc hou hi schulle here lyf lede
Þu schalt wiþ me þider go priueilliche ich rede
Þi face ihud in oþer cloþes þat noman nute þi dede
Þis gode wif ne forȝat þis noȝt ac dude as heo hure radde
Changede hure cloþes & hudde hure neb & ȝude as heo hure radde
To is holy prechinge he[o] com þat noman nekneu hure þere
And hurde þane holyman hou he gan þat folk lere


Þe grete miracle he[o] say ek þat oure Louerd for him wroȝte
Heo nuste wat for ioie do ac stod in grete þoȝte
He[o] wilnede more þanne eny þing to speke wiþ him anne þrowe
Ac he[o] ne dorste for noþing leste he[o] were iknowe
Hom he[o] wende so al ihud ac euere he[o] hadde in þoȝte
Anoþer tyme wiþ him to speke wanne oure Louerd þane time broȝte
Byuore hure bedde he[o] lay a niȝt & cride on oure Louerd longe
Þat he[o] moste þoru sein Thomas Cristendom auonge
At midniȝt sein Thomas com & stod bi hure attelaste
He[o] nuste neuere hou he com in þe doren were al faste
Be[o] glad [he] sede Mygdoni God haþ ihurd þi bone
Þou hast muche desired þat ich come to þe sone
God wole þat þou beo on of his and þat þou come þoru me
To liue þat euere ssel ileste and þat ich be[o] aslawe for þe
For þe ich ssel ymartred beo and boþe we ssolleþ wende
To þe blisse of heuene and þere beo togadere wiþoute ende
Sein Thomas hure ȝaf Cristendom ar he þanne wende
And teiȝte hure also Godes lawe hure lif forto amende
Þis wif god womman bicom and nolde neuere eft mo
After þulke tyme for noþing to hure louerdes bedde go
Hure louerd was þerof sore anuyd þo he nemiȝte for noþing
Make hure enes nei him come he playnede to þe kyng
Þe kyng het þe quene anon to Mygdonie wende
And rede hure honury [hure] louerd bet & do as þe hende
For wymmen conneþ of oþeres red þer fore þe quene he sende
Þe quene a day simpleliche to þis gode womman wende
And radde hure to hure louerd go to ssulde hure fram vilenie


And noþing iluue þane ualse man þat radde hure to folie
A dame merci quaþ þis oþer þou nost neuere hou it is
Wustestou al þat ichot þou noldest noȝt so segge iwis
For so noble man as he is nas neuere an eorþe ido
Haddestou enes him iseie þou woldest segge also
And iseie þou ȝute þat ich iseo þe wolde wondri iwis
For Sinphori þe noble kniȝt þat of kniȝtes maister is
His sone was todai ded and Simphori him sulf soȝte
Þane holi prophete sein Thomas & to is sone him broȝte
And þare he haþ him riȝt nou arered fram deþe to lyue
And þere he sit nou inis hous & precheþ þat folk blyue
Aboute him also sike men wel þicke comeþ nou gon
Crokede & blinde & oþer ek & he helpeþ ham anon
Leoue soster quaþ þe quene ware þis mowe soþ be[o]
Certes dame quaþ þis oþer and ȝif þou wolt ise[o]
Go we þuder & þou sselt [] þat soþe vinde anon
Þe quene þoȝte þo wel longe ar heo were þuder igon
Hi come & fonde sein Thomas riȝt as þis womman sede
Þe quene stod & him biheld & al is holy dede
To is fet he[o] uel adoun he[o] nemiȝte no leng abide
And bad him ȝiue hure Cristendom & merci faste cride
So sone as he[o] icristned was hamward þane wei he[o] nom
To þe kynge & longe hure þoȝte er he[o] to him com
Sire he[o] sede ich habbe ifonde þis gode wif Migdonie
In gret wisdom & ich wende er to finde hure in folie
And of hure wisdom God ich þonke he[o] partede wiþ me
So þat ich nelle in þi folye namore siwe þe
Þo was þe kyng sory inou he nuste wat here of do
Forto quelle is wif þerfore he nadde non heorte þerto
He clupede Carrik is cosin we beoþ bitraid he sede
Mi quene ich sende as þou wost þi wif forto rede
To bringe hure out of fole þoȝte as þou me er bede
And nou ich habbe hure forlore forþ wiþ hure ich drede
For loue of þe one ylore boþe alas þe wrechede


We mote awreke us of þe þeof þat bringþ ȝam in such dede
He let sende after sein Thomas ȝif me miȝte him finde
Þo þis holyman ifonde was faste me gan him binde
And harly forþ biuore þe kyng is honden him bihinde
So þat he was to deþe ibroȝt in þe lond of Inde
For þo he com biuore þe kyng þe kyng him het anon
To honury þere is false godes þat of treo were & ston
And bote he dude & swor is oþ it ssolde anoþer gon
He wolde him lete tormenti & to drawe fleiss & bon
Þo þis holyman forsok is heste forto do
Plates he let nyme of ire brode & longe also
And lete ham caste amidde þe fure þat berninge hi were anon
And suþþe he made þis holyman barefot þeron gon
Anon so þis holymon is fet sette þer on
A welle of water þer sprang out of þe harde ston
To aquenche al þat fur þat so hot & strong was
Þis godeman wende him forþ þer oppe & noþewors him nas
Þo was þe kyng al out of witte an o[uen]e he let hete
Þat he was al glowynge fur er me wolde him lete
Þis holyman hi nome anon and amidde him caste
Ac þo he was þerinne ido þat fur no leng ilaste
Ac it bigan to aquenche anon þat so gret hete er drou
Þer inne was þis holyman in ioie & murþe inou
Þo þe kyng þis isei he nuste hou on take
Carrik he seide hou geþ þis oure godes us habbeþ forsake
Ne mowe we noȝt þis luþer þeof myd none gynne aquelle
Certes sire quaþ Carrik anoþer ichelle þe telle
We ssolleþ nyme þis luþerman & to oure godes lede
And make him honury ham myd eiȝe and mid drede
Þoru wan he ssel is louerdes wraþþe habbe out & out
And his merueile him be[o] bynome þoru wan he is so prout


To þe maumes þis holyman ybroȝt was wel sone
Mid strengþe to honury ham as hi were iwond to done
Sein Thomas biheld þis maumes as he biuore ham stod
Ich coniuri ȝou inis name þat for us ssadde is blod
Ȝou deueles þat þer inne beoþ and wiþ foles habbe ispeke
Þat ȝe sone þer of fle[o] and þe maumes to breke
Anon so þis was ised þe maumes ne miȝte dure
Ac bigonne al to multe awey ase wex deþ aȝen fure
Þo hi were al to noȝt ibroȝt as hi neuere er nere
Þe men stode al in wonder gret þat in þe place were
Echone hi gonne mid o mouþ wel loude grede & crie
O God is almiȝti on ibore of þe maide Marie
Of wan sein Thomas haþ ispeke to him we wolleþ al take
And þis false godes alle clanliche her for sake
Þo þe kyng & Carrik and þe false prestes also
Þat þe maumes witede ihurde þis hi nuste þo wat do
Þe kyng & Carrik for fin angwise out of þe place wende
Þo hy seie þat seint Thomas hare godes so foul ssende
Hi ne dorste for Cristene men sette on him non hond
Ne also for þe grete miracles þat me aldai wiþ him fond
Ac þe prestes of þe false lawe in grete wraþþe stode
Þe on gripte anon a muche swerd mid wel wroþe mode
Ichelle he sede of þis þeof myne godes anon awreke
Þat ham haþ þus issend wo so it euere bispeke
He leide on þis holyman mid þis swerd to gronde
Op al is body & made him so many a biter wonde
And martrede þis holyman and slowe him in a stonde
Cristene men were wroþ inou þo hi him ded fonde
Þane preost hi wolde habbe forbarnd ac he fley anon
And þane kyng & Carrik habbe aslawe ac hi were awei ygon
Þis holy bodi hy nome anon and to churche it bere
And burede him wiþ gret honur & wiþ gret nobleie þere
So þat strengþe of Holy Churche wexinge euere was
Þus com in Inde Cristendom ferst þoru seint Thomas


Nou sein Thomas þat in Inde Cristendom ferst broȝte
Bring us to þe ioie of heuene to wan oure Louerd us boȝte