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[Vanish, vanish hence, confusion]

Vanish, vanish hence, confusion;
Dimme not Hymens goulden light
With false illusion.
The Fates shall doe him right,
And faire Eternitie,
Who passe through all enchantements free.

Bring away this Sacred Tree,
The Tree of Grace and Bountie,
Set it in Bel-Annas eye,
For she, she, only she
Can all Knotted spels unty.
Pull'd from the Stocke, let her blest Hands convay
To any suppliant Hand, a bough,
And let that Hand advance it now
Against a Charme, that Charme shall fade away.
Toward the end of this Song the three destinies set the Tree of Golde before the Queene.
Since Knightly valour rescues Dames distressed,
By Vertuous Dames let charm'd Knights be released.