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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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Sec. 6. Final plat.

For subdivisions involving more than ten (10) lots a subdivider
shall file the original linen tracing and ten (10) prints
thereof of the final plat prepared by a surveyor or civil engineer
licensed by the state and supporting data listed herein,
with the office of the city planning department at least ten
(10) days prior to the meeting at which the plat is to be
considered. The plat shall be drawn at a scale of two hundred
(200) feet to the inch unless otherwise approved by
the planning director. The maximum sheet size shall be
eleven (11) by seventeen (17) inches. For subdivisions involving
administrative review of ten (10) lots or fewer, the
planning department shall be allowed up to ten (10) days
to review and approve or disapprove same.

(a) Final plat shall show:

(1) The title under which the subdivision is to be recorded
and the name or number of the section if a part of a
larger tract.

(2) A statement that the subdivision of the land described
herein is with the free consent of the undersigned
owners, proprietors and trustees.

(3) The boundary lines of the area being subdivided with
accurate distances and bearings. The boundaries shall be determined
by an accurate field survey.

(4) The exact layout in general conformity with the preliminary
plat including:

(a) Street names. (Names of new streets shall not
duplicate existing or platted street names unless the new


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street is a continuation of existing or platted street.) All
dimensions, both linear and angular, for locating lots, streets,
alleys, public easements and private easements. The linear
dimension shall be expressed in feet and hundredths of a foot,
and all angular measurements shall be expressed by bearings
or angles. All curves shall be defined by their radius, central
angle, tangent distances, tangent bearing and arc lengths.
Such curve data shall be expressed by a curve table lettered
on the face of the plat, each curve being tabulated and numbered
to correspond with the respective numbered curves
shown throughout the plat.

(5) Lots numbered in numerical order, and block identification.

(6) Location of all minimum building setback lines.

(7) The location and material of all permanent reference

(8) All parcels of land intended to be dedicated or reserved
for public use, or for the common use of all property
owners within the subdivision.

(9) A definite bearing and distance tie shall be shown between
not less than two permanent monuments on the exterior
boundary of the subdivision, and to existing street
intersections where possible and reasonably convenient.

(10) Date and north point.

(11) Private restrictions and their period of existence.
Should these restrictions be of such length as to make their
lettering on the plat impracticable and thus necessitate the
preparation of a separate instrument, reference shall be made
thereto on the plat.

(12) Signature panels for: Chairman and secretary of
the city planning commission for land lying within the corporate
limits; for land lying outside the corporate limits, the
signature panel shall include the chairman and secretary of
the Albemarle County planning commission and the chairman
of board of supervisors in addition to the above.

(13) Temporary turn-arounds where needed. When one
or more temporary turn-arounds are shown, the following
note shall be included on the plat.

The area on this plat designated as "Temporary Turn-Around"
will be constructed and used as other streets in the


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subdivision until (........................................) is/are extended to
(................* ................) at which time the land in the temporary
turn-around area will be abandoned for street purposes
and will revert to adjoining lot owners in accordance with
specific provisions in their respective deeds.

* Insert street name.

Insert street name if possible, otherwise insert the following
note: A connecting street or to another turn-around which
is approved by plat by the planning commission.

(b) Supporting data shall include:

(1) Plans for drainage, streets, including cross sections
and profiles, water supply and sewage disposal, including
drainage courses, existing sewers, water mains, culverts and
other underground structures within the tract showing pipe
sizes, invert elevations and grades. (1-21-58, § 35-6; 3-3-69;