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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 157.

Sung after Sermon.

[We of thy Gospel holy, Lord]

Rom. 1. 6. The Gospel the power of God.

We of thy Gospel holy, Lord,
Are not asham'd to own;
Because thy glory shines therein,
And power is made known.
Thy Gospel is the means whereby
We, Lord, came to believe,
And in it does great Riches lye,
VVhich we by Faith receive.
Thy Grace in it does glorious shine,
And by thy Spirit we
Are wrought upon, and so made thine,
And union have with thee.
VVhat cause have we therefore to sing
That we thy Gospel have,
And praise our God and heav'nly King
VVho strives our Souls to save!


Our Enemies the Light do hate,
And fain wou'd once again
Suppress the Gospel, as of late;
O 'tis their bitter pain
To see how Light and Truth breaks out,
But this is, Lord, our joy;
Arise and put them to the rout
Who would thy Truth destroy:
And we thy Praises will sing forth,
And laud thy Name therefore;
O let thy Word shine through the Earth
Now and for evermore.